

字词 电子管
释义 电子管
 diàn zǐ guǎn
 (electron) tube; radio tube; (electron) valve; electronic valve; evacuated tube
 电子管安培计 vacuum tube ammeter;
 电子管倍频器 vacuum tube frequency multiplier;
 电子管变频器 vacuum tube converter;
 电子管并联放大器 parallel-tube amplifier;
 电子管波长计 vacuum tube wavemeter;
 电子管参数测量设备 electronic tube parameter measuring equipment;
 电子管参数专用测量设备 specialized electronic tube parameter measuring equipment;
 电子管测试仪 electronic tube tester;
 电子管插座 vacuum tube base;
 电子管带宽边缘效率 tube band-edge efficiency;
 电子管导电系数 perveance;
 电子管低频噪声测试仪 electronic tube LF noise tester;
 电子管电容 vacuum tube capacity;
 电子管电压表 vacuum tube voltmeter (V.T.V.M.); vomax;
 电子管短路、断路测试仪 electronic tube interelectrode open and short circuit tester;
 电子管发射机 vacuum tube transmitter;
 电子管放大法 vacuum tube amplifying method;
 电子管放大器 (vacuum) tube amplifier; valve amplifier;
 电子管蜂音器 valve hummer;
 电子管伏特计 (vacuum) tube voltmeter; valve voltmeter; electronic (thermionic) voltmeter;
 电子管高频噪声测试仪 electronic tube HF noise tester;
 电子管管座 valve base; tube socket;
 电子管混频器 valve mixer;
 电子管极间电容测试仪 electronic tube interelectrode capacitance tester;
 电子管继电器 electronic tube relay; vacuum tube relay;
 电子管寄存器 vacuum tube register;
 电子管加热时间 tube-heating time;
 电子管检波器 vacuum tube detector (V.T.D.); transrectifier; (vacuum) thermionic detector;
 电子管检流计 valve galvanometer;
 电子管间歇振荡器 blocking-tube oscillator (BTO);
 电子管接收机 tube (lamp; valve) receiver;
 电子管截止 tube cut-off;
 电子管静态参数测试仪 electronic tube static parameter tester;
 电子管绝缘电阻测试仪 electronic tube insulation resistance tester;
 电子管跨导测量仪 Gm-meter;
 电子管老炼时间 burning-in period;
 电子管脉冲计数器 tube scaler;
 电子管内阻 plate impedance;
 电子管配管(配件) tube complement;
 电子管屏蔽 valve shield;
 电子管适配器 ball adapter;
 电子管试验器 tube tester;
 电子管试验台 electron tube rack;
 电子管收音机 valve receiver;
 电子管寿命 life of tube;
 电子管输出功率测试仪 electronic tube power output tester;
 电子管数据传递 electronic data transmission;
 电子管算子 vacuum tube operator;
 电子管探示器 valve probe;
 电子管特性 tube characteristics;
 电子管调制器 vacuum tube modulator;
 电子管瓦特计 valve wattmeter;
 电子管万用表 vacuum tube multimeter;
 电子管微音效应测试仪 electronic tube microphonic effect tester;
 电子管稳流器 tube current regulator;
 电子管稳压器 tube regulator;
 电子管系数 tube coefficient;
 电子管效率 tube efficiency;
 电子管心柱 {无} stem;
 电子管压降 tube voltage drop;
 电子管仪表 electron tube instrument;
 电子管噪声 valve noise; tube noise;
 电子管振荡发生器 {电子} electron-tube generator;
 电子管振荡功率测试仪 electronic tube oscillation power tester;
 电子管振荡器 vacuum tube oscillator; (vacuum) tube generator; thermionic (valve) oscillator; electronic (valve) generator; valve oscillator;
 电子管振荡器高压发生器 tube-oscillator high-voltage generator;
 电子管整流器 transrectifier; rectron; valve (vacuum tube) rectifier;
 电子管转接器 tube adapter;
 电子管作用 valve action;
 电子管座 vacuum tube socket




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