

字词 电动
释义 电动
 diàn dòng
 motor-driven; power-driven; power-operated
 电动摆 motor pendulum;
 电动扳手 electric wrench;
 电动泵 motor-driven (electric) pump;
 电动臂板信号机构 electric motor signal mechanism;
 电动裁判器 electric typewriter;
 电动层 electrodeposition;
 电动测力计 electric dynamometer;
 电动测量仪 electrical measuring instrument;
 电动测微筒 electrical micrometer tube;
 电动测微仪 Elmillimess;
 电动场 electromotive field;
 电动车 electric (electrically operated) motor car; electric power cart; electrocar; electromobile;
 电动车辆 {机} electric vehicle; electrically driven vehicle;
 电动乘法器 electrodynamic multiplier;
 电动出纳机 electric cash register;
 电动传感器 {电} electrokinetic transducer;
 电动传声器 dynamical (dynamic) microphone; moving-conductor microphone;
 电动床 beddo (日本人设计的一种电子活动床);
 电动锉刀 electric file;
 电动打字机 electric typewriter; selectric;
 电动打字站 teletypewriter terminal;
 电动单轨吊车 telpher;
 电动捣固机 electric rammer; electric (power) tamper machine;
 电动断路器 motor-operated switch;
 电动断续器 motor-driven interrupter;
 电动多能工具 multiple electric tool;
 电动耳机 dynamic earphone;
 电动发电机 motor-generator; dyna(mo) motor; dynamo-electric machine;
 电动发电机组 motor generator set;
 电动阀 electrically operated valve;
 电动放大发电机 dynamoelectric amplifier generator;
 电动风速计 anemocinemograph;
 电动风速仪 anemocinemograph;
 电动割草机 power-operated mower;
 电动工具 electric power tool;
 电动公共汽车 electrobus; electric omnibus;
 电动刮刀 electric scraper;
 电动刮胡刀 electric razor;
 电动滚筒 motorized pulleys;
 电动夯土机 electric tamper;
 电动葫芦 electric block (hoist);
 电动葫芦桥式起重机 overhead crane with electric hoists;
 电动滑门 power-operated sliding door;
 电动换能器 electrodynamic transducer;
 电动回转罗盘 electric gyro-compass;
 电动记分牌 electric scoreboard;
 电动机械积分仪 electromechanical integrator;
 电动机械学 {机} electromechanics;
 电动机器人 electric robot;
 电动挤奶机 electric milker (milking machine);
 电动给水泵 electrically driven (motor-driven) feed pump;
 电动计算机 electric computer; electric calculating (accounting) machine;
 电动继电器 electrodynamic relay;
 电动铰板 electric screw die;
 电动脚手架 electrical scaffolding;
 电动客车 electric motor coach;
 电动空气制动机 electric control of air brake;
 电动控制器 electric controller;
 电动开关 motor switch;
 电动缆车 telpher;
 电动缆车系统 telpherage; telferage;
 电动联锁机 electric interlocking machine;
 电动联锁装置 electric interlocking device;
 电动螺丝刀 electric screw driver;
 电动马力 electric horse-power;
 电动马力小时 electric horse-power hour;
 电动脉搏描记器 electroarteriograph;
 电动排字机 electrotypograph;
 电动跑步机 treadmill;
 电动起动机 electric motor starter;
 电动起重葫芦 electric hoist; electric block;
 电动起重绞车 electrically driven crab;
 电动汽车 electromobile; electric automobile;
 电动气动臂板信号机 electropneumatic semaphore;
 电动气动阀 electropneumatic valve;
 电动气流扬声器 electropneumatic loudspeaker;
 电动拾声器 dynamic (moving-coil) pick-up;
 电动拾音器 dynamic reproducer;
 电动气动信号机 electropneumatic signal motor; E-P signal motor;
 电动气动制动联结器 electropneumatic braking connector;
 电动气动转辙机 electropneumatic point machine (motor); electropneumatic switch apparatus (machine; operating apparatus);
 电动受话器 electrodynamic receiver;
 电动水力学 electrohydraulics;
 电动送话器 electrodynamic microphone;
 电动索道系统 telpherage; telferage;
 电动台式磨床 electric bench grinder;
 电动剃须刀 electric shaver; battery shaver;
 电动调节 electrical control;
 电动调节器 electric controller;
 电动拖拉机 battery powered tractor;
 电动挖土机 electric shovel;
 电动万能工具 universal electric tool;
 电动稳定性试验 peak withstand current test;
 电动雾笛 nautophone;
 电动洗衣机 electric washing machine;
 电动效应 electrokinesis;
 电动信号装置 electropneumatic signaling;
 电动性 electromobility;
 电动旋转式鱼栅 electric rotary fish screen;
 电动扬声器 (electro)dynamic loudspeaker; moving coil loudspeaker;
 电动摇尺器 electric setwork;
 电动液压操纵装置 electrohydraulic control unit;
 电动液压伺服机构 electrohydraulic servomechanism;
 电动液压调节器 electrohydraulic governor;
 电动液压作动器组 electrohydraulic actuator package;
 电动仪表 electric instrument;
 电动有轨吊车 tram crane;
 电动有轨卧车 electric railcar sleeper;
 电动鱼雷 electric topedo;
 电动凿岩机 electric rock drill;
 电动张紧装置 electric tensioner;
 电动直流发电机 dynamotor;
 电动直流发电焊接设备 motorgenerator welding unit;
 电动执行机构 electric operator;
 电动转辙机 electric point machine; electric switch mechanism (machine); electrical point operating mechanism;
 电动转辙机构 electric motor driven point mechanism;
 电动转速计 {工} electric tachometer;
 电动准距仪 electrotachyscope;
 电动自行车 electric bicycle




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