

字词 生长
释义 生长
 shēng zhǎng
 grow; grow up; ascent; merisis; buildup; auxesis; increment; overgrowth; gain; burgeon; bourgeon; accretion; upspring; growth:
  生长茂盛 run riot (wild);
  茁壮生长的植物 plants growing vigorously;
  他生长在沈阳。 He was born and brought up in Shenyang.
 生长被阻 stunted;
 生长波 growing wave;
 生长残痕 scorings;
 生长程序 growth procedure;
 生长促进素 auxogen;
 生长断层 growth fault;
 生长伐 increment felling;
 生长方向 direction of growth;
 生长分界面 growth interface;
 生长分析 growth analysis;
 生长硅膜晶体管 grown-film silicon transistor;
 生长过度 overgrowth;
 生长激素 growth hormone (GH); {生化} somatotropin;
 生长激素释放因子 somatotropin releasing factor, SRF;
 生长激素释放抑制激素 somatostatin;
 生长激素中介素 somatomedin;
 生长季节 season of growth;
 生长计 auxanometer;
 生长记录器 auxograph;
 生长节奏 growth rhythm;
 生长扩散 grown diffusion;
 生长扩散型晶体管 grown-diffused transistor;
 生长量 increment;
 生长率 growth rate; increment percent;
 生长孪晶 growth twin;
 生长轮 growth ring;
 生长期 growth period;
 生长丘 growth hill;
 生长区 vitellarium;
 生长曲线 growth curve;
 生长取向 orientation of growth;
 生长缺陷 growth defect;
 生长疏伐 increment thinning;
 生长素 auxin; growth hormone;
 生长速度 speed of growth;
 生长速率 growth rate;
 生长算子 accretive operators;
 生长特性 growth characteristic;
 生长调节素 somatomedin;
 生长条纹 growth striation;
 生长调节剂 growth regulator;
 生长调节物质 growth regulatory substance; growth regulator; growth-regulating substance;
 生长停止 atrophy;
 生长物 growth-gen; -gene;
 生长习性 habit;
 生长细胞 auxocyte;
 生长线 growth line;
 生长小面 growth facet;
 生长形状 growth form;
 生长徐缓 bradyauxesis;
 生长学 auxology; auxanology;
 生长延缓剂 growth retardant;
 生长样木 increment core;
 (测环境因素影响的)生长仪 auxanograph;
 生长抑制剂 growth inhibitor;
 (垂体后叶)生长抑制素 amicine;
 生长异率 allometry relative growth;
 生长因素 growth factor;
 生长因子 growth factor;
 生长障碍 growth disorder;
 生长织构 growth texture;
 生长中心 organic centre;
 生长锥 cone of growth; vegetative cone




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