

字词 球面
释义 球面
 qiú miàn
 spherical surface; sphere
 球面凹凸透镜 spherical meniscus;
 球面摆 spheric pendulum;
 球面表示 spherical representation;
 球面擦准法 spherical laping;
 球面舱壁 spherical bulkhead;
 球面车床 spherical turning lathe;
 球面窗式光电倍增管 spherical head-on photomultiplier;
 球面点 {数} umbilical point;
 球面电极头 radius tip;
 球面度 steradian; sterad; spherical degree;
 球面二次曲线 sphero-conic;
 球面二角形 lune of a sphere; spherical lune;
 球面发射强度 steradiancy;
 球面法线交点 pole;
 球面法线交点投影 pole;
 球面反射镜(器) spherical reflector;
 球面反射器天线 spherical reflector antenna;
 球面方位角 spherical aziumth;
 球面分层大气层 spherically stratified atmosphere;
 球面副 spherical pair;
 球面拱顶 spherical calotte;
 球面光学 spherical optics;
 球面滚子 spherical roller;
 球面滚柱轴承 {工} spherical roller bearing;
 球面函数 spherical function;
 球面活接头 spherical union;
 球面基准谐振腔 spherical reference cavity;
 球面积分 surface integral;
 球面几何 spherics;
 球面几何学 spherical geometry; geometry of spheres;
 球面渐开线 spherical involute;
 球面角度 {数} steradian;
 球面铰刀 ball reamer;
 球面壳 spherical housing;
 球面立体角 {数} spherical solid angle;
 球面六角螺母 ball faced hexagonal nut;
 球面墁刀 button sleeker;
 球面磨削 spherical grinding;
 球面内摆线 spherical hypocycloid;
 球面屏面 spherical faceplate;
 球面卡套 ball sleeve;
 球面曲率计 spherometer;
 球面全角 steregon;
 球面绕射损耗 spherical diffraction loss;
 球面三角 spherical trigonometry;
 球面三角计算盘 spherograph;
 球面三角形 spherical triangle;
 球面三角学 spherical trigonometry;
 球面声波 spherical sound wave;
 球面枢轴 footstep pivot;
 球面双曲线 spherical hyperbola;
 球面四次曲线 sphero quartic;
 球面四杆机构 spherical four-bar linkage;
 球面天文(学) spherical astronomy;
 球面调和 {数} spherical harmonics;
 球面调和函数 spherical harmonic function;
 球面投影 azimuthal orthomorphic projection; {图} stereographic projection; spherical projection;
 球面透镜 spherical lens;
 球面凸轮 globoidal cam;
 球面外衬圈 aligning housing ring;
 球面弯头活管接 spherical bend union;
 球面蜗杆 hindley screw;
 球面铣磨机 spherical surface milling-grinding machine;
 球面像差 spherical aberration;
 球面楔 {数} spherical wedge;
 球面谐振腔 hemiconcentric resonator;
 球面悬链线 spherical catenary;
 球面圆点曲线 sphero-cyclic;
 球面运动链 spherical chain;
 球面直角坐标 rectangular spherical coordinates;
 球面支承 self-aligning spherical support;
 球面指标图形 spherical indicatrix;
 球面中心支枢 pillow pivot;
 球面轴承 spherical bearing;
 球面坐标(系) spherical coordinate




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