

字词 玉米
释义 玉米
 yù mǐ
 (一年生草本植物) maize; Indian corn; corn:
  嫩(甜)玉米 sweet corn;
  糯玉米 waxy corn;
  爆玉米花 pop corn;
  正在抽穗结棒的玉米 corn in the ear;
  玉米正在开花(成熟)。 The corn is blossoming (ripening).
 (这种植物的果实) ear of maize
 玉米包 pone;
 玉米饼 johnnycake; pone; hoecake;
 玉米播种机 corn drill; maize drill;
 玉米播种装置 maise seeder units;
 玉米布丁 Indian pudding;
 玉米草 teosinte;
 玉米赤霉烯酮 zearalenone;
 玉米带 corn belt;
 玉米(醇溶)蛋白 zein;
 玉米地 milpa; cornland; corn field;
 玉米分级机 corn grader;
 玉米(淀)粉 cornstarch; corn flour;
 玉米粉碎机 corn grinder; maize grinder;
 玉米粉粥 hasty pudding;
 玉米秆 cornstalk;
 玉米割捆机 corn binder; maize binder;
 玉米果穗 corn ear;
 玉米红斑 zeism; zeismus;
 玉米糊糊 mush;
 玉米黄二呋喃素 auroxanthin;
 玉米黄素 luteole;
 玉米黄质 zeaxanthin; kygptoxanthin; cryptoxanthin;
 玉米开沟播种机 corn lister;
 玉米壳 shuck;
 玉米联合收获机 corn combine;
 玉米面(粉) maize flour; cornmeal;
 玉米面包 johnnycake;
 玉米面薄糊 sofkee;
 玉米面团包馅卷 tamale;
 玉米螟 European corn borer; Ostrinia nubilalis;
 玉米碾碎机 corn crusher;
 玉米片 cornflakes;
 玉米糁 hominy grits; hominy;
 玉米收割刀 corn broadsword;
 玉米收割机 corn picker; corn mower; maize cutter;
 玉米收获机 maize harvesting machine; corn harvester;
 玉米属 Zea;
 玉米酸盐 maizenate;
 玉米碎茎机 corn shredder;
 玉米天蚕蛾 iomoth;
 玉米脱粒机 corn sheller; maize sheller;
 玉米脱粒收集器 shelled corn saver;
 玉米外皮 hoja;
 玉米威士忌 corn whisky;
 玉米围垛 corncrib;
 玉米象 sitophilus zea-mais;
 玉米芯 corncob; cob;
 玉米须 corn stigma; corn silk; stigma maydis;
 玉米压碎机 corncrusher;
 玉米蚜 corn leaf aphids; rhopalosiphum maidis;
 玉米油 corn oil; {材} maize oil;
 玉米雨季 maize rains;
 玉米摘穗机 maize picker; stripping machine;
 玉米摘穗脱粒机 maize pickersheller; picker-sheller;
 玉米植株 milpa;
 玉米中毒 zeism; zeismus;
 玉米种植机 corn planter;
 玉米粥 atole; stirabout;
 玉米轴 corncob




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