

字词 人员
释义 人员
 rén yuán
 personnel; staff:
  人员不足 understaffed; undermanned;
  技术人员 technical personnel;
  教学人员 the teaching staff; the faculty;
  机关工作人员 office workers;
  值勤人员 (of armyman, policeman, etc.) personnel on duty;
  人员调动 transfer of personnel;
  人员青黄不接 a gap between the old and the young;
  全体人员 the entire personnel; the whole staff
 人员编制 manning quotas;
 人员出井 {采矿} ascend;
 人员定位信标 {航海} personal locator beacon;
 人员变动率 turnover rate of personnel;
 人员分配 personnel assignment;
 人员服务 personnel service;
 人员合理流动 rational flow of personnel;
 人员配备 manning;
 人员指挥 {计} staffing;
 人员载运舱 personnel transfer capsule




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