

字词 独立
释义 独立
 dú lì
 (单独站立) stand alone:
  独立桥头 stand alone on the end of a bridge
 (自主自立; 不受人支配) independence:
  宣布独立 proclaim independence;
  维护民族独立 assert national independence;
  国家的独立完整 the country's independence and integrity
 (不依靠他人) independent; on one's own:
  独立分析问题和解决问题的能力 ability to analyse and solve problems on one's own;
  独立地进行群众工作 work independently among the masses;
  独立地提出纲领 put forward a programme of one's own;
  独立见解 think for oneself;
  独立谋生 shift for oneself; carve out a career for oneself;
  应鼓励孩子们成为独立思考者。 Children should be encouraged to be independent thinkers.
 独立本地振荡器 separate local oscillator;
 独立编码传送过程 code independent transmission procedure;
 独立变量(变数) independence variable;
 独立变异 autoheterosis;
 独立操作 independent operation;
 独立测定 inferential measurement;
 独立成分 {语} independent element;
 独立程序 stand-alone program;
 独立程序模型化 program-independent modularity;
 独立处理 independent processing;
 独立打印机 stand alone printer;
 独立单元 separate unit; discrete cell;
 独立法律人格 independence legal person;
 独立方程 independent equation;
 独立方式 independent mode;
 独立分句 {语} independent clause;
 独立分配 independent assortment;
 独立分配定律 the law of independent assortment;
 独立个员 autozooid;
 独立个员室 autozooecium;
 独立工作 autonomous working;
 独立工作存储器 noncontiguous working-storage;
 独立公理 independent axiom;
 独立公证人 independent surveyor;
 独立供电照明 individual lighting;
 独立关税区 separate customs territory;
 独立广播组织 Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA);
 独立国 independent state;
 独立函数 independent function;
 独立核算 keep separate accounts; practice (practise) independent accounting;
 独立核算单位 independent accounting unit;
 独立核算、国家征税、自负盈亏 conduct business accounting independently, paying taxes to the state and assuming sole responsibility for profits and losses; conduct independent business accounting, pay taxes instead of turning over their profits to the state, and assume full responsibility for their profits and losses;
 独立宏功能加工程序 independent macro processor;
 独立花园洋房 villa (别墅);
 独立回路 independent mesh;
 独立机器 stand-alone machine;
 独立基线 individual baseline;
 独立集中制 centralized independency;
 独立纪念日 (美) Independence Day;
 独立结构 {语} absolute construction;
 独立经营、独立核算 independent operation and business accounting; independent management and accounting;
 独立开关 independent switch;
 独立控制 independent control;
 独立励磁机 separate exciter;
 独立励磁制 independent driven exciter system;
 独立粒子模型 independent-particle model;
 独立模块化程序设计 independent modularity programming;
 独立模型测量法 independent model method;
 独立模型法区域网平差 block adjustment with independent model;
 独立区分调度 independent partition scheduling;
 独立驱动 independent drive;
 独立人工操作 independent manual operation;
 独立软件 stand alone software;
 独立三角网 independent triangulation net;
 独立师 independent division;
 独立失效 independent failure;
 独立时间控制 independent time control;
 独立时滞 independent time-lag;
 独立事件 independent event;
 独立实验 independent experiment (trial);
 独立实用程序 independent utility; single utility program; stand alone utility;
 独立手工业户 independent handicraftsmen;
 独立数 independent digit;
 独立数据处理 off-line data reduction;
 独立司法权 independent judicial power;
 独立随机变数(量) independent random variable;
 独立随机事件 independent random event;
 独立停汽阀 separate cut-off valve;
 独立通风(与供暖系统无关) independent ventilation;
 独立同步 independent synchronization; self-synchronization;
 独立同步制 independent synchronizing system;
 独立投资 autonomous investment;
 独立团 independent regiment;
 独立外交 independent diplomacy;
 独立网络 isolated network;
 独立微调 individual fine tuning;
 独立未知数 independent unknown;
 独立系统 autonomous system;
 独立线性(度) independent linearity;
 独立效应器 independent effector;
 独立悬挂 independent suspension; knee action suspension;
 独立研究课程 honours course;
 独立研究人员 independent research personnel;
 独立一致性 independent conformity;
 独立溢出区 independent overflow area;
 独立液压系统 live hydraulic system;
 独立引用模型 independent reference model;
 独立营 independent battalion;
 独立运动 self-movement;
 独立语言数据库 self-contained data base;
 独立语言系统 self-contained language system;
 独立增量 independent increment;
 独立支持植物 machinal independent plant;
 独立支援程序 stand alone support program;
 独立智能 autonomous intelligence;
 独立制动阀 independent brake valve;
 独立制冷系统 self-contained refrigerating system;
 独立住宅 separate house;
 独立准地槽 autogeosyncline;
 独立组分 independent chuck (component);
 独立坐标系 independent coordinate system




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