

 (特殊; 超出一般) particular; special; exceptional; unusual:
  特供 special supply;
  奇特 peculiar; quaint;
  独特 unusual; unique; distinctive
 (特别) especially; very:
  今年夏天特别热。 It has been especially hot this summer.
  这个医生扎针特灵。 That doctor is very good at giving needle treatment.
 (特地) for a special purpose; specially:
  特为看你而来。 I came here specially to see you.
 (指特务) special or secret agent; spy:
  匪特 bandit and spy;
  敌特 enemy agent;
  防特 guard against enemy agents
  (书) (公牛) bull
  (书) (三岁的兽) three-year old beast
  (书) (配偶) spouse
 (姓氏) a surname:
  特宫 Te Gong
 (书) (只; 但) but; only; except that:
  特一时失检 only a momentary oversight;
  不特如此 not only that




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