

字词 牛顿
释义 牛顿
 niú dùn
  Newton(Sir Isaac,1642-1727,英国物理学家)
  {力} large dyne; newton (N)
 牛顿参考坐标系 {力} Newtonian reference frame;
 牛顿插值 Newton's interpolation;
 牛顿第二定律 Newton's second law;
 牛顿第三定律 Newton's third law;
 牛顿第一定律 {力} first law of motion; Galileo's law of inertia; Newton's first law;
 牛顿迭代法 Newton iteration method;
 牛顿多面体 Newton polyhedron;
 牛顿法 Newton method;
 牛顿恒等式 {数} Newton's identities;
 牛顿环 Newton's ring;
 牛顿近似计算法 Newton's method of approximation;
 牛顿-柯特斯求积公式 Newton-Cotes formula;
 牛顿冷却定律 Newton's law of cooling;
 牛顿流体 Newtonian fluid;
 牛顿粘度{流} Newtonian viscosity;
 牛顿粘滞定律 Newton's law of viscosity;
 牛顿盘 {光} Newton's disc;
 牛顿三叉线 {数} trident of Newton;
 牛顿色盘 Newton's disk;
 牛顿升力理论 {流} Newton's theory of lift;
 牛顿速度 {力} Newtonian velocity;
 牛顿图 Newton diagram;
 牛顿万有引力定律 Newton's law of gravitation;
 牛顿望远镜 Newtonian telescope;
 牛顿易熔合金 Newton's alloy;
 牛顿引力理论 Newton's theory of gravitation;
 牛顿运动定律 Newton's law of motion




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