

 (在油里弄熟食物) fry in deep fat or oil:
  炸油条 fry dough sticks;
  炸豆腐 deep-fried bean curd;
  炸糕 fried cake
  (方) (焯) scald (as a way of cooking)另见 zhà。
 (突然破裂) explode; burst:
  爆炸 explode; blow up;
  杯子炸了。 The glass has burst.
 (用炸药爆破) blast; bomb; blow up:
  轰炸 bomb;
  炸掉敌人的司令部 blow up the enemy headquarters;
  他们试图炸开岩石的表面。 They're trying to blast away the face of the rock.
  这次爆炸把几栋楼炸塌了。 The explosion blew several buildings down.
  (口) (因愤怒而激烈发作) flare up; burst into rage:
  气炸了 burst with anger; flare up
  (方) (因受惊而逃) flee in terror ; scamper:
  枪一响, 鸟儿都炸了窝。 The birds flew with a bang of a gun.
  鸡炸了窝了。 The chickens have all fled from their coop.
 另见 zhá。




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