

字词 产品
释义 产品
 chǎn pǐn
 product; produce; fabric; tailorism:
  工业产品 industrial products;
  农产品 farm produce;
  畜产品 livestock products;
  土特产品 native produce;
  名优产品 brand-name, high-quality products;
  产品按质分等 grade products according to quality;
  有多少种产品是由尼龙制造的? How many products are made from nylon?
  这家工厂现正试制一种新产品。 The factory is now trying to manufacture a new model.
 产品包装 the packing of products;
 产品保险 manufactuerer's output insurance;
 产品保证 warranty for goods purchased;
 产品标准 product standard;
 产品标准化 standardization of products;
 产品差别 differentiation of product;
 产品成本 cost of goods manufactured;
 产品储备 products-supply;
 产品程序布置 layout of product process;
 产品纯度 product purity;
 产品单位成本 unit cost;
 产品调拨 allocation of products;
 产品定型 type approval;
 产品对路 goods suited to popular tastes;
 产品发展 production development;
 产品返销 product buy back;
 产品范围 range of products;
 产品方向 line of production;
 产品仿制 product image;
 产品分成 production sharing;
 产品分成合同 products sharing contract;
 产品分析 product analysis;
 产品分析控制法 product analysis control procedure;
 产品改进性研制 operational development;
 产品革新 product innovation;
 产品更新 model change;
 产品工程 product engineering;
 产品工程师 product engineer;
 产品工艺学 product technology;
 产品管理 management of product;
 产品广告 primary advertising;
 产品规格 product standard;product specification;
 产品号码 identification symbol;
 产品混合(配合) product mix;
 产品积压 stockpiling; stockpiled goods; stockpiling of goods;
 产品计数器 production counter;
 产品技术 product technology;
 产品检验 examination and test of products;
 产品检验台 inspection bench;
 产品鉴定 product identification;
 产品交换制 exchange of products;
 产品结构 product mix; the set-up of production;
 产品金属 resultant metal;
 产品经济 product economy;
 产品流动法 flow of product approach;
 产品目录 list of products; catalog; product summary;
 产品浓度 product concentration;
 产品筛选 product screening;
 产品设计 {设计} product design;
 产品升级换代 upgrading and updating of products;develop new generation of products;
 产品实现过程 products' realization process;
 产品试验 testing the products;
 产品试制 trial production;
 产品寿命周期 product life cycle;
 产品税 product tax;
 产品说明 description of products;
 产品线 product line;
 产品销路 product marketing;
 产品销售 production marketing;
 产品销售成本 cost of goods sold;
 产品销售净额 net sales;
 产品销售税金 tax on sales;
 产品销售总额 gross sales;
 产品性能 properties of products;
 产品研究 product research;
 产品一览表 QPL (qualified products list);
 产品责任 product responsibility;
 产品责任法 the product liability law;
 产品质量 product quality;
 产品质量检查 quality control;
 产品质量检查员 tester;
 产品质量检验 production quality test




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