

字词 产业
释义 产业
 chǎn yè
 (私有财产) estate; property
 (工业生产的) industrial:
  产业发展的地区布局 geographical distribution of industrial development;
  产业结构合理化 rationalize the industrial make-up; rationalize the structure of production
 产业革命 the Industrial Revolution;
 产业工会 industrial union;
 产业工人 industrial worker;
 产业合理化 rationalization of industry;
 产业后备军 industrial reserve army; reserve army of labor;
 产业结构 industrial structure (set-ups); structure of production (enterprises); set up of production; industry mix; the industrial make-up;
 产业界 industrial circles;
 产业军 industrial army;
 产业情报 industrial espionage;
 产业心理学 industrial psychology;
 产业突变 industrial mutation;
 产业循环 business cycle;
 产业政策 industrial policy;
 产业资本家 industrial capitalist




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