字词 | 潜艇 |
释义 | 潜艇 qián tǐng submarine; dunker; oscar: 核潜艇 nuclear-powered submarine 潜艇舱壁 submarine bulkhead; 潜艇电池 submarine battery; 潜艇对空导弹 sub-to-air missile; 潜艇发射的弹道导弹 submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM); 潜艇发射的导弹 submarine-launched missile; 潜艇发射火箭 submarine rocket; 潜艇浮力配平 {船} frim; 潜艇浮位 trim; 潜艇隔舱 submarine compartment; 潜艇跟踪 submarine tracking; 潜艇供应船 subtender; submarine tender; 潜艇活动锚泊地 {航海} moving submarine haven; 潜艇基地 sub-base; 潜艇假目标 submarine false target; 潜艇结构 structure of submarine; 潜艇救生钟 submarine rescue chamber; 潜艇雷达 submarine radar; 潜艇瞭望台 conning tower; 潜艇模拟器 submarine simulator; 潜艇母舰 submarine carrier; submarine depot ship; submarine tender; 潜艇潜望镜 submarine periscope; 潜艇声纳 submarine sonar; 潜艇升降装置 submarine mast; 潜艇识别测距仪 {航海} lofar (low-frequency acquisition and ranging); 潜艇探测器 submarine detector; 潜艇逃生舱 escape trunk; 潜艇艇体 submarine hull; 潜艇推进 submarine propulsion; 潜艇隐蔽性 concealment of submarine; 潜艇营养 submarine nutrition; 潜艇噪声 submarine noise; 潜艇侦察 submarine reconnaissance; 潜艇纵倾平衡系统 submarine trim system; 潜艇作业 aquanaut work; diving operation |
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