字词 | 交叉 |
释义 | 交叉 jiāo chā (互相穿过) cross connection; intersect; cross; crisscross; intersection; crossing; interlacement; {电} transposition; piercing; chiasma node; decussation; antigodlin; antigoglin; crossover: 两条铁路在此交叉。 The two railways cross here. (相重的) overlapping; overlap: 两个方案中交叉的部分 the overlapping parts of the two plans; 交叉作业 overlapping jobs (间隔穿插) alternate; stagger: 交叉进行 do alternately 交叉班 backshift; 交叉棒结构 cross-bar structure; 交叉报酬率 intersection rate of return; 交叉壁孔口 crossing aperture; 交叉编译程序 {计} cross compiler; 交叉变换 crossbar transition; 交叉并发 cross coincidence; 交叉并联送风 staggered parallel blowing (热风炉的); 交叉播种 cross sowing in line; 交叉波瓣 crossed lobes; 交叉操作 {计} interlace operation; 交叉车架 X-shaped frame; 交叉撑 cross-bridging; 交叉弛豫 cross relaxation; 交叉齿轮 {机} Helicon gear; 交叉齿轮传动 skew; 交叉抽运激光器 cross-pumped laser; 交叉磁场 cross-field; 交叉磁场乘法器 cross field type electron beam multiplier; 交叉磁化 cross-magnetizing; 交叉次割理 grayback; 交叉存储环 intersecting storage ring; 交叉存取 interleaving access; interlacing; interleaving; 交叉带 halved belt; 交叉担子 {植} chiastobasidium; 交叉电场信号发生器 cross-field generator; 交叉电磁场 crossed electric and magnetic field; 交叉电路 transposition circuit; 交叉电容器 cross capacitor; 交叉电压 crossover voltage; 交叉电子注 crossed electron beams; 交叉调用 cross-call; 交叉迭化 cross dissolve; X-diss; 交叉定位 cross bearing; 交叉订货 cross order; 交叉董事制 interlocking directorates; 交叉渡线 double crossover; scissors crossover; 交叉端化 chiasma terminalization; 交叉断路法 cross tripping; 交叉对称 sympeda; crossing symmetry; 交叉发价 cross offer; 交叉反射 crossed reflex; 交叉放射 cross-fire; 交叉分路推挽回路 cross shunt push-pull circuit; 交叉复活 cross reactivation; 交叉复活作用 cross reactivation; 交叉干扰 crosstalk; 交叉干涉 chiasma interference; 交叉感染 cross-infection; 交叉格 cross battens; 交叉耕作 cross cultivation; 交叉拱 groyne; groin; groining; 交叉拱廊 intersecting arcade; 交叉拱棱 groin; 交叉拱门 interlacing arches; 交叉共轭 cross conjugation; 交叉构象 staggered conformation; 交叉管道 cross manifold; 交叉光谱 cross spectrum; 交叉光栅 crossed grating; 交叉光线 crosslights; modeling lights; 交叉滚花 cross knurls; 交叉焊接 weld crosswise; 交叉合计 crossfoot; cross footing; 交叉痕迹 cross mark; 交叉轰击 cross bombardment; 交叉宏汇编程序 cross macroassembler; 交叉花纹 overlapping curve; 交叉滑移 cross-slip; 交叉划线法 cross-streak method; 交叉环形天线 crossed-coil antenna; 交叉回路 oblique circuits; 交叉汇兑 cross exchange; 交叉汇率 cross rate of exchange; 交叉火力 {军} cross fire; 交叉畸变 crossover distortion; 交叉计数器 crossing counter; 交叉计算 crossfoot; 交叉检测 cross detection; 交叉检验 crosscheck; 交叉间隔 transposition interval; 交叉间隙 cross gap; 交叉角 angle of the crossing; cross hatch angle; crossing angle; intersection angle; 交叉接合 cross linking; 交叉接头带 cross-stitched belt; 交叉接线盒(箱) cross-junction box; 交叉接种 cross inoculation; 交叉截面 X-section; 交叉结构烯烃 {化} trans-olefines; 交叉结合 cross-banding; 交叉结晶 transcrystallization; 交叉卷绕络纱机 cross winder; 交叉掘通 holing; thirling; 交叉绝缘子 transposition insulator; 交叉开关矩阵 crosspoint switch matrix; 交叉抗药性 cross-resistance; 交叉控制系统 crossed controls; 交叉口 crossings; 交叉矿脉 crossvein; counter-lode; 交叉馈电 cross feed; 交叉馈电式电动机 cross feed motor; 交叉扩散 cross diffusion; 交叉拉杆 intertie; 交叉拉条 cross-brace; 交叉肋形装饰 nerves; nervures; 交叉棱镜 {光} crossed nicols; 交叉联 crossbinding; 交叉联接绕组 cross winding; 交叉连架 cross-frame; 交叉帘布层 cross-ply; 交叉梁系 grillage; 交叉灵敏度 cross sensitivity; 交叉流动 crossflow; 交叉流式换热器 crossflow heat exchanger; 交叉路口 junction; intersection; grade separation; 交叉脉动 cross beat; 交叉免疫电泳 {免疫} crossed immunoelectrophoresis; 交叉模糊函数 cross-ambiguity function; 交叉模拟程序 cross simulator; 交叉捻钢丝绳 reverse laid rope; 交叉凝集(反应) cross agglutination; coagglutination; 交叉排列 cross banding; 交叉排气 cross bleed; crossover bleed; 交叉配血(法) {免疫} cross matching; 交叉碰撞储存环 {核} intersecting storage rings (ISR); 交叉频率 crossover frequency; 交叉平衡 balancing by transposition; 交叉谱 cross spectrum; 交叉穹肋 cross-springer; 交叉穹棱 groin; 交叉穹窿 cross arched vaulting; 交叉气流 crosscurrent; 交叉区{航空} zone of intersection; transposition section; cross field; 交叉曲柄机构 crossed crank mechanism; 交叉韧带 ligamentum cruciatum; 交叉软件 cross software; 交叉失真 cross distortion; monkey chatter; 交叉适应 cross-adaptation; 交叉梳状单元 interdigitated element; 交叉梳状结构 interdigitated structure; 交叉输注 cross infusion; 交叉衰落 cross-fade; 交叉双键 {化} trans-double bond; 交叉双轴式透平 cross compound turbine; 交叉丝 hair cross; 交叉损耗 crossover loss; 交叉索道集材机 interlocking skidder; 交叉塔 transposition tower; 交叉弹簧悬挂 cross(ed)-spring suspension; 交叉弹性 cross elasticity; 交叉探向 cross bearing; 交叉天线 crossed antenna; 交叉条播 cross row seeding; 交叉调制 intermodulation; transmodulation; 交叉铁心式 crossed core type; 交叉网格矩阵 crossed-grid matrix; 交叉网络 crossover network; dividing network; loud-speaker dividing network; 交叉位置干涉 chiasma position interference; 交叉纹理(单板) crossbar; 交叉污染 cross contamination; 交叉膝反射 crossed knee-jeck; Mc-Cormac's reflex; 交叉线 cross spider; reticule; crosshair; 交叉线板 transposition board; 交叉线对 transposed pair; 交叉线夹 crossover clamp; 交叉线圈 cross coil; 交叉线圈式电流比率计 crossed-coil type retiometer; 交叉线圈式仪表 crossed-coil instrument; 交叉线信号发生器 grating generator; 交叉项 cross term; 交叉小矿脉 counterveins; 交叉效应 cross effect; 交叉需求弹性 cross-elasticity of demand; 交叉序号 transposition number; 交叉旋翼式直升飞机 intermeshing rotors helicopter; 交叉学科 interdiscipline subject; interdisciplinary branch of learning; cross-discipline subject; 交叉循环 cross circulation; 交叉训练 cross-training; 交叉遗传 crisscross inheritance; 交叉盈利率 intersection rate of return; 交叉影线 {电} crosshatch; 交叉影响分析 cross-impact analysis; 交叉运动 crisscross motion; 交叉运输 crosshauling; 交叉杂交 crisscrossing; 交叉扎线 cross-bonding; cross bond; 交叉照射技术 crossfire technique; 交叉责任 cross liabilities; 交叉折椅 X-chair; 交叉辙叉 cross-frogs (铁路的); 交叉支撑 spanner; X-brace; 交叉支架 arm support; 交叉指数 transposition index; 交叉指型变换器 interdigital transducer; 交叉指型磁控管 interdigital magnetron; 交叉指型结构 interdigital structure; interdigitated structure; 交叉指型晶体管 interdigital transistor; 交叉指型慢波线 interdigital slow-wave line; 交叉置换 cross substitution; 交叉中心化 chiasma centralization; 交叉转换 overlap changeover; 交叉走向 cross-strike; 交叉钻孔机 {机} quartering machine; 交叉左捻 left-hand ordinary lay |
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