

字词 滋养
释义 滋养
 zī yǎng
 (供给养分) nourish:
  滋养身体 be nourishing;
  滋养胃阴 nourishing the stomach-yin
 (养分) nutriment; nourishment:
  丰富的滋养 rich nutriment
 滋养安神剂 nourishing tranquilizing; prescription;
 滋养层 trophoderm; trophoblast;
 滋养袋 trophothylax;
 滋养海绵层 trophospongium;
 滋养核 trophonucleus;
 滋养浆膜 trophserosa;
 滋养孔 {解} nutrient foramen;
 滋养螺 trophon;
 滋养毛 trophonema;
 滋养品 nourishing food; nourishment; nutriment; foison;
 滋养素 trephone;
 滋养体 trophozoite;
 滋养外胚层 trophectoderm;
 滋养物质 pabulin;
 滋养细胞 trophocyte; nurse cell;
 滋养血 trophema;
 滋养血管 vasa vasorum;
 滋养羊膜 trophamnion;
 滋养叶瘤 trophoblastic tumor;
 滋养组织 nurse tissue




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