

字词 温度
释义 温度
 wēn dù
 {物} temperature:
  绝对温度 absolute temperature;
  室内温度 indoor temperature;
  室外温度 outdoor temperature;
  最低温度 minimum temperature;
  最高温度 maximum temperature
 温度饱和 {电子} filament saturation; saturation; temperature saturation;
 温度倍加器 thermomultiplicator;
 温度变化 temperature variation;
 温度变化适应性 poikilothermism;
 温度标 scale of thermometer;
 温度表 thermometer; thermograph;
 温度不(稳)定 fluctuation of temperature;
 温度不均匀分布 thermal contrast;
 温度测量 {油工} temperature survey;
 温度测量方法 thermometry;
 温度测量系统 temperature measurement system;
 温度测量仪表 temperature measuring instrument;
 温度测量元件 temperature-measuring element;
 温度差 temperature difference;
 温度场 temperature field;
 温度传导率 temperature conductivity;
 温度传感器 temperature probe; temperature transmitter;
 温度带 {气} temperature belt;
 温度导航 thermometric navigation;
 温度等级 temperature grade;
 温度滴定 {分化} calorimetric titration; enthalpy titration; thermal titration; thermometric titration;
 温度滴定法 thermometric titration;
 温度点 temperature spot;
 温度电容系数 temperature coefficient of capacitance (TCC);
 温度订正 temperature correction; temperature reduction;
 温度定义固定点 temperature defining fixed point; (动物)
 温度反应 thermotonus;
 温度范围 temperature range;
 温度分布 temperature distribution;
 温度感觉缺乏 thermanaesthesia;
 温度感受器 thermoreceptor;
 温度观测 temperature observation;
 温度恒定 constancy of temperature;
 温度恢复系数 temperature recovery coefficient;
 温度基准点 temperature reference point;
 温度畸变 temperature distortion;
 温度记录 thermography; pyretography;
 温度记录器 {工} thermometrograph; recording thermometer; thermograph;
 温度记录仪 temperature recorder;
 温度继电器 temperature relay;
 温度较差 range of temperature; temperature range;
 温度觉 temperature sensation; thermal sense;
 温度绝对年较差 absolute annual range of temperature;
 温度恐怖 {心理} thermophobia;
 温度控制 temperature control;
 温度控制器 thermoregulator;
 温度灵敏度 temperature sensitivity;
 温度露点差 depression of the dew point; dew-point deficit;
 温度敏感突变型 temperature sensitive mutant;
 温度逆增 temperature inversion;
 温度漂移 temperature drift;
 温度漂移校准 temperature drift correction;
 温度气压计 thermobarometer;
 温度气压记录器 thermobarograph;
 温度深度仪 bathythermograph;
 温度湿度记录器 thermohygrograph;
 温度试验 temperature test;
 温度受感膜盒 temperature sensing capsule;
 温度瞬变 temperature transient;
 温度探测系统 temperature-sensing system;
 温度特性 temperature characteristic;
 温度梯度 temperature gradient;
 温度调节 thermoregulation; attemperation;
 温度调节器 attemperator; thermoregulator;
 温度调节系统 temperature control system;
 温度调谐 thermal tuning;
 温度突变 temperature jump;
 温度突变层 thermocline;
 温度突跃 thermal shock;
 温度图像 temperature pattern;
 温度陡度 {热} temperature gradient;
 温度稳定性 temperature stability;
 温度系数 temperature coefficient (T.C.);
 温度限制电流状态 temperature limited current state;
 温度限制二极管 temperature limited diode;
 温度相关 temperature correlation;
 温度效率指数 {生态} temperature-efficiency index (T-E index); thermal-efficiency index;
 温度效应 temperature effect;
 温度选择器 temperature selector;
 温度循环 {核子} temperature cycle;
 温度循环试验 temperature cycling test;
 温度延迟系数 temperature coefficient of delay;
 温度依赖性 temperature dependency;
 温度异常 temperature anomaly;
 温度应变 temperature strain;
 温度应力 stress due to temperature;
 温度影响 temperature effect;
 温度跃层 epilimnion;
 温度噪声 temperature noise;
 温度直减率 temperature lapse rate;
 温度指示漆 tempilstik;
 温度指示器 temperature indicator;
 温度自记曲线 thermogram




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