

字词 渐近
释义 渐近
 jiàn jìn
 {数} {物} asymptotic; approximation
 渐近逼近 asymptotic approximation;
 渐近比 asymptotic ratio;
 渐近表示 asymptotic representation;
 渐近操作(法) evolutionary operation;
 渐近等分性 asymptotic equipartition property;
 渐近点 asymptotic point;
 渐近法 asymptotic method; approximation method;
 渐近方程 asymptotic equation;
 渐近方向 asymptotic direction;
 渐近分布 asymptotic distribution;
 渐近分数 convergent;
 渐近分析 asymptotic analysis;
 渐近公式 asymptotic formula;
 渐近关系式 asymptotic relation;
 渐近轨道 asymptotic orbit;
 渐近弧 arc of approach;
 渐近积分 asymptotic integration;
 渐近级数 asymptotic series;
 渐近角 {机} angle of approach; recess angle;
 渐近解 asymptotic solution;
 渐近可展曲面 asymptotic developable;
 渐近密率 asymptotic density;
 渐近平均值 asymptotic mean;
 渐近曲率 asymptotic curvature;
 渐近曲面 asymptotic surface;
 渐近曲线 {数} asymptotic curve; curvilinear asymptote;
 渐近熵 asymptotic entropy;
 渐近收敛 asymptotic convergence;
 渐近特性 asymptotic behaviour;
 渐近通量 asymptotic flux;
 渐近统计量 asymptotic convergence;
 渐近无偏检验 asymptotic unbiassed test;
 渐近误差 asymptotic error;
 渐近误差常数 asymptotic error constant;
 渐近误差概率 asymptotic probability of error;
 渐近下界 asymptotic lower bound;
 渐近限 asymptotic bound;
 渐近线 asymptote; asymptotic line;
 渐近相角 {数} asymptotic phase angle;
 渐近效率 asymptotic efficiency;
 渐近斜度 asymptotic slope;
 渐近学 asymptotology;
 渐近有效估计 asymptotically efficient estimate;
 渐近宇宙模型 asymptotic model;
 渐近圆 asymptotic circle;
 渐近增长曲线 asympotic growth curves;
 渐近展开 asymptotic expansion; {数} asymptotic series;
 渐近展开法 asymptotic expansion solution;
 渐近展开公式 asymptotic expansion formula;
 渐近正规随机变量 asymptotically normal random variable;
 渐近正态分布 asymptotic normal distribution;
 渐近正态性 asymptotic normality;
 渐近直线 rectillinear asymptote;
 渐近值 asymptotic value;
 渐近锥面 asymptotic cone;
 渐近自由 asymptotic freedom;
 渐近最短置信区间 asymptotic shortest confidence interval




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