

字词 清楚
释义 清楚
 qīng chu
 (容易让人了解、辨认) clear; distinct:
  把工作交代清楚 explain one's job clearly on handing it over;
  把事情谈清楚 talk the matter over;
  字迹清楚 written in a clear hand;
  发音清楚 a clear pronunciation;
  一清二楚 (as) clear as daylight;
  来历清楚 have a clear record;
  清楚的笔迹 a distinct writing;
  我讲清楚了没有? Have I made myself clear?
 (不糊涂) clear; lucid:
  头脑清楚 a clear head (mind);
  头脑清楚的人 a lucid thinker
 (了解) be clear about; understand:
  你恐怕不清楚这个问题吧。 Perhaps you don't understand this question.
 清楚分离共振 well-separated resonances




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