

字词 海上
释义 海上
 hǎi shàng
 at sea; on the sea; seaborne:
  海上风暴 a storm at sea
 海上霸权 maritime hegemony;
 海上保险 marine insurance;
 海上保险诉讼 marine insurance action;
 海上避撞规则 rules of the road at sea;
 海上冰块 bergy bit;
 海上补给 sealift; seaborne supply; supply by sea;
 海上补给装置 replenishing-at-sea gear;
 海上捕鱼人 sea fisherman;
 海上采气 offshore gas;
 海上采油 offshore oil production;
 海上测量 sea survey;
 海上沉没 foundering at sea;
 海上城市 marine city;
 海上传播 propagation over sea;
 海上磁导常 marine magnetic anomaly;
 海上大地点 sea geodetic point;
 海上待机 readiness at sea; alert at sea;
 海上导航 marine celestial navigation;
 海上地震 offshore earthquake;
 海上调查平台 marine investigation platform;
 海上顶推船组 sea going tug-barge combination;
 海上发射 sea launching;
 海上发射导弹 sea-launched missile;
 海上法 law of the sea;
 海上飞机 open sea aeroplane;
 海上飞行 oversea flight;
 海上分级救治 echelon of naval medical care;
 海上封锁 naval blockade;
 海上风 sea turn;
 海上风险 perils of the sea (海难);
 海上伏击 sea ambush; ambush at sea;
 海上浮标系统 maritime buoyage system;
 海上浮动观测台 flip;
 海上工程 marine engineering;
 海上观光 cruise;
 海上管道 offshore pipeline;
 海上管路输油 offshore oil delivery;
 海上过失 maritime negligence;
 海上航道 seaway; lane;
 海上航行船只碰撞 collision between seagoing vessels;
 海上行家 master mariner;
 海上合同作战 coordinated operation at sea;
 海上货物运输保险 marine cargo insurance;
 海上基本危险(搁浅、沉没、火烧、碰撞) stranding, sinking, burning and collision;
 海上集油站 offshore oil gathering station;
 海上交通 navigation;
 海上交通工程 marine traffic engineering;
 海上交通图 sea communication chart;
 海上交通线 sea route; sea-line; sea-lane;
 海上交通业 navigation;
 海上井 offshore well;
 海上救护 maritime rescue;
 海上救生服 exposure suit;
 海上救助 assistance and salvage at sea; salvage;
 海上开采 offshore production;
 海上勘探 offshore exploration;
 海上空间 air space above the sea;
 海上礼让 sea manners;
 海上力量 sea power;
 海上联合作业基地 offshore combinate;
 海上连接站台 offshore articulated platform;
 海上留置权 maritime lien;
 海上掠夺 piracy;
 海上贸易 marine trade;
 海上猛虎艇 sea tiger vessel;
 海上民兵 sea-borne militia;
 海上民用雷达 civil marine radar;
 海上碰撞 collision at sea;
 海上漂游 voyage;
 海上破袭战 sea raid;
 海上平台 offshore platform;
 海上侵权行为 maritime tort;
 海上勤务船 service craft;
 海上强国 sea power;
 海上侵扰者 sea raider;
 海上求救标志 sea marker;
 海上石油合作勘探 cooperative exploration of offshore oil;
 海上石油开采 offshore oil exploitation;
 海上石油勘探 offshore oil exploration;
 海上事故 maritime casualty; marine accident; accident at sea;
 海上事件会谈 talks on preventing accidents at sea;
 海上适应性 seaworthiness;
 海上试航 sea trials;
 海上输油 offshore oil delivery;
 海上输油系统 oil transfer system at sea;
 海上搜索 naval searching;
 海上梯队 sea echelon;
 海上通信卫星 Maritime Satellite;
 海上拖船 sea-going tug;
 海上拖头 sea mule;
 海上危险 marine risk (adventure);
 海上武力论 theory of sea power;
 海上无危险区 sea room;
 海上先锋艇 vanguard sea vessel;
 海上袭击战 raid at sea;
 海上卸油 offshore unloading;
 海上巡逻 sea patrol;
 海上养殖 mariculture;
 海上业务 sea service;
 海上移动通信业务 maritime mobile service;
 海上遗弃物 derelict;
 海上营救艇 crash rescue boat;
 海上应急室 sea cabin;
 海上油井 offshore (oil) well;
 海上油气田 offshore oil and gas field;
 海上油田 offshore (oil) field;
 海上遇难者 castaway;
 海上运货车 sea van;
 海上遇险信号 signal of distress; SOS;
 海上运输 marine transportation;
 海上运输保险 marine insurance;
 海上运输法规 merchant shipping act;
 海上侦察 naval reconnaissance;
 海上指挥 commanding at sea;
 海上钻井(探) offshore drilling;
 海上钻井船 offshore drilling ship;
 海上钻探(钻井)平台 marine drilling platform; offshore drilling platform;
 海上作业 offshore operation; operation on the sea;
 海上作业平台 offshore work platform;
 海上作战 naval warfare; naval operation




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