

字词 浮动
释义 浮动
 fú dòng
 (漂动) float; drift; ripple; {机} swim:
  树叶浮动在水面上。 Leaves floated on the water.
  那艘巨轮活像一幢浮动的大楼。 The great ship was like a floating building.
 (不稳定) be unsteady; be unstable; fluctuate:
  人心浮动 a general feeling of insecurity
  {经} float:
  货币共同浮动 a joint currency float;
  英镑(向上向下)自由浮动。 The pound floated (updown).
  floating; relocatability
 浮动摆轮 {钟} floating balance;
 浮动版架 {工} floating chase;
 浮动镑 floating pound;
 浮动包 floating bag;
 浮动标线 {光} floating reticle;
 浮动标志 {航海} floating mark;
 浮动表达式 relocatable expression;
 浮动采油储存卸油船 floating production storage and offloading ship;
 浮动插入 floating insertion;
 浮动插入编辑 floating insertion editing;
 浮动插入字符 floating insertion character;
 浮动差胀结构 kinematic construction;
 浮动槽顶 {工} pontoon-tank roof;
 浮动衬套 floating bush;
 浮动充电 {电} floating charge;
 浮动磁头 {电子} flying head; floating head; floating magnetic head;
 浮动刀夹 floating holder;
 浮动刀架 floating tool holder;
 浮动刀具 floating tooling;
 浮动地址 {计} floating address;
 浮动电力 floating power;
 浮动电势 floating potential;
 浮动电势栅极 floating grid;
 浮动电位仪 floating potential instrumentation;
 浮动钉住 crawling peg;
 浮动短轴 full-floating stub axle;
 浮动段 soft sector;
 浮动二进制 relocatable binary;
 浮动阀 float trap;
 浮动方式 ralocatable mode;
 浮动仿真程序 {自} relocatable emulator;
 浮动杠杆 floating lever rod;
 浮动高度 flying height;
 浮动工厂 floating factory;
 浮动供给 floating supply;
 浮动辊 dancer;
 浮动过程 location free procedure;
 浮动核电站 floating nuclear power plant;
 浮动宏汇编程序 relocatable macro assembler;
 浮动呼吸 {植} floating respiration;
 浮动滑车 floating block;
 浮动环密封 floating ring seal;
 浮动缓冲区 floating buffer;
 浮动回转台 floating turntable;
 浮动汇率 floating (exchange) rate;
 浮动汇率制度 floating exchange rate system;
 浮动活塞 floating piston;
 浮动活塞销 floating piston (gudgeon) pin;
 浮动基本利率 floating prime rate of interest;
 浮动基地 tender;
 浮动机构 relocation mechanism;
 浮动寄存器 relocation register;
 浮动夹县系统 floating fixture systems;
 浮动夹头 floating clamp;
 浮动价格 floating prices; fluctuating prices;
 浮动间隙 flying height;
 浮动铰刀 floating reamer; pivot reamer;
 浮动铰刀刀夹 floating reamer holder;
 浮动接地 floating earth;
 浮动接点 afloat contact;
 浮动结果代码 relocatable object code;
 浮动镜头 floating lense;
 浮动开关 float switch;
 浮动控制 floating control;
 浮动控制器 floating controller;
 浮动控制系统 floating type controlled system;
 浮动块 rocker piece; {计} slider pad;
 浮动拉杆 floating drawbar;
 浮动雷达假目标 GULL;
 浮动利率 floating interest rate;
 浮动利率期票 floating-rate notes;
 浮动连接装配程序 relocatable linking loader;
 浮动零点 floating zero;
 浮动留置权 floating lien;
 浮动滤油器 floating oil filter;
 浮动螺旋 floating auger;
 浮动罗盘 {工} floating compass;
 浮动码 relocatable code;
 浮动美元符号 {自} floating dollar sign; float dollar sign;
 浮动名称 relocatable name;
 浮动模具 floating die assembly;
 浮动模块 relocatable module;
 浮动水雷 floating mine;
 浮动(水文)观察平台 {航} floating instrument platform (FLIP);
 浮动天顶仪 floating zenith telescope;
 浮动目标程序 relocatable object program;
 浮动炮位 floating battery;
 浮动喷射板 floation jet tray;
 浮动平台 {土} floating platform; landing stage;
 浮动区域精炼法 floating zone process;
 浮动区域熔炼法 floating zone melting method;
 浮动人口 a floating population;
 浮动塞棒 {冶} floating plug; plug die;
 浮动舌形板 floating jet tray;
 浮动速度 floating speed;
 浮动天顶仪 floating zenith telescope;
 浮动条盒 hanging barrel;
 浮动陀螺仪 {机} {工} floating gyro;
 浮动外汇 floating exchange;
 浮动位置 floating position;
 浮动温控 {热} floating temperature control;
 浮动文件 relocatable file;
 浮动坞门 {水文} caisson;
 浮动芯棒 floating core rod;
 浮动响应 floating response;
 浮动形式 relocatable form;
 浮动性 floatability; relocatability;
 浮动悬挂装置 floating attachment; free linkage;
 浮动压板 {工} floating platen;
 浮动液面控制器 float-type level regulator;
 浮动翼尖 floating wing tip;
 浮动原点 floating zero;
 浮动原理 floating principle;
 浮动载波发送机 floating carrier transmitter;
 浮动载波放大器 floating carrier amplifier;
 浮动载波体制 {讯} floating carrier;
 浮动载波调制 floating carrier modulation;
 浮动载波制 floating carrier system;
 浮动载频放大器 Hapug amplifier;
 浮动闸轴 floating brake shaft;
 浮动支撑 floating gripper;
 浮动执行程序 floating executive;
 浮动制度 system of floating;
 浮动轴 floating axle; floating axle shaft; floating shaft;
 浮动轴承 floating bearing; non-localing bearing;
 浮动装配程序 relocatable loader;
 浮动字典 {自} relocation dictionary;
 浮动最低优惠利率 floating prime rate of interest




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