

 (液体移动; 流动) flow:
  流汗 perspire; sweat;
  江河流入海中。 Rivers flow into the sea.
 (移动不定) drift; move; wander:
  飘流 drift about; float;
  流转 wander about; be on the move
 (流传; 传播) spread:
  广泛流传 spread far and wide
 (向坏的方面转变) degenerate; change for the worse:
  流于形式 become a mere formality
 (旧时把犯人送到辽远地区去) send into exile; banish:
  流放 send sb. into exile
 (指江河的流水) stream of water; stream; current:
  洪流 mighty torrent; powerful current;
  河流 river;
  激(湍)流 rushing (turbulent) stream;
  顺流而行 sail with the current
 (像水流的东西) sth. resembling a stream of water; current; flow:
  寒流 cold current;
  电流 electric current;
  熔岩流 stream of lava;
  意识流 stream of consciousness
 (品类; 等级) class; grade; rate:
  上流社会 upper-class society;
  社会名流 well-known people;
  第一流人品 a first-rate character




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