

  (沉没; 坠落) sink:
  沉底儿 sink to the bottom;
  那条船深沉海底。 The ship sank deep into the sea.
  太阳正徐徐地沉入地平线下。 The sun is gradually sinking below the horizon.
  月落星沉。 The moon is down and the stars have set.
 (沉下, 多指抽象事物) keep down; lower:
  沉下心来 settle down (to one's work, etc.); concentrate (on one's work, study, etc.);
  把脸一沉 put on a grave expression; pull a long face
  (方) (停止) rest:
  沉沉再办 rest a while, then take it up again
 (程度深) deep; profound:
  睡得很沉 be in a deep sleep ; be fast asleep; sleep like a log
 (分量重) heavy:
  这箱子太沉了。 This box is too heavy.
 (感觉沉重) heavy:
  胳膊沉 have a stiff arm;
  我头有点发沉。 My head feels heavy (fuzzy).
 “沈”另见 shěn。




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