

字词 气力
释义 气力
 qì lì
 effort; energy; physical strength:
  费很大气力 exert great efforts;
  用尽气力 with all one's energy;
  这事不需花多大气力。 It doesn't need much effort.
  不花气力什么也得不到。 Nothing can be obtained without effort.
  我的气力没有白费。 My efforts were not in vain.
  双方摔跤运动员都使出了全身气力想把对手摔倒。 Both of the wrestlers tried to tumble the adversary with all their strength.
 气力称重系统 {工} pneumatic weighing system;
 气力除灰系统 pneumatic ash removal system;
 气力抖动器 air knocker; pneumatic shaker;
 气力集草车 wind stack;
 气力弥雾器 air atomizer;
 气力喷砂机 air sander;
 气力喷雾机 pneumatic sprayer;
 气力喷雾器 mist blower;
 气力起动 pneumatic cranking;
 气力起重机 gate lift;
 气力牵引 pneumatic traction;
 气力输送槽 pneumatic chute;
 气力输送机 pneumatic conveyer;
 气力输送机械 pneumatic transport equipment;
 气力输送接料器 pneumatic conveying pickup;
 气力输送卸料器 pneumatic conveying discharger;
 气力弹簧吊架 air-spring suspension;
 气力弹射器 air catapult;
 气力提升 airlift;
 气力脱模 air ejection;
 气力脱模销 air ejecto;
 气力卸船机 pneumatic ship unloader;
 气力卸载机 vacuum unloader;
 气力转向调节 air steering control




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