

 (气体) gas:
  毒气 poisonous (poison) gas;
  煤气 coal gas; gas;
  沼气 marsh gas; methane
 (空气) air:
  打开窗子透一气气 open the window to let in some fresh air;
  给气球充气 blow air into a balloon;
  这球已打足了气。 The ball is fully swelled with air.
 (气息) breath:
  喘不过气来 lose one's breath; gasp for breath;
  上气不接下气 be out of breath; gasp for breath;
  停下来歇口气 stop to catch one's breath;
  气喘喘地说出几句话 gasp out a few words; speak between pants;
  我怎么也缓不过气来。 I could not get my breath anyhow.
 (自然界冷热阴晴等现象) weather:
  秋高气爽 fine autumn weather
 (气味) smell; odour:
  臭气 bad odour; foul smell;
  香气扑鼻。 A sweet smell assailed the nostrils.
 (精神状态) spirit; morale:
  垂头丧气 in low spirits;
  打气 boost the morale; cheer on;
  朝气勃勃 vigorous; full of youthful vigour;
  气可鼓而不可泄。 Morale should be boosted, not dampened.
 (作风; 习气) airs; manner; style:
  官气 bureaucratic airs;
  孩子气 childishness;
  书生气十足 bookish in the extreme
 (受到的欺侮) insult; bullying:
  忍气吞声 swallow an insult; submit to humiliation;
  过去, 在那个封建家庭里, 她受了不少气。 In the old days, she used to be bullied in the feudal family.
  {中医} (人体内能使各器官正常地发挥机能的原动力) qi; vital energy; energy of life:
  元气 vitality; vigour
 (生气; 发怒) get angry; be enraged:
  气得直哆嗦 tremble with rage;
  他为受到愚弄而气得发昏。 He got insanely angry at being made a fool of.
 (使人生气) make angry; enrage:
  我故意气他一下。 I was deliberately trying to annoy him.; I got him angry on purpose.




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