

 (细长而尖的毛) fine long hair:
  狼(羊)毫笔 a writing brush made of wolf's (goat's) hair
 (毛笔) writing brush:
  挥毫 wield one's writing brush; write or draw a picture (with a brush)
 (姓氏) a surname:
  毫康 Hao Kang
 (一点儿, 只用于否定式) in the least; at all:
  毫不足怪 not at all surprising;
  毫无诚意 not to be sincere in the least;
  毫无疑义, 他是个间谍。 He is a spy beyond all doubt.
 (某些公制计量单位的千分之一) milli:
  毫米 millimetre;
  毫升 millilitre
 (长度单位)hao, a unit of length (=13 decimillimetre)
 (重量单位) hao, a unit of weight (=0.005 grams)
  (方) (货币单位, 即角) hao, a fractional unit of money in China (=110 of a yuan or 10 fen)




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