

 (对生物体有害的性质或物质; 毒物) poison; toxin:
  服毒自杀 commit suicide by taking poison;
  剧毒 rank poison
 (毒品) drug; narcotics:
  贩毒 traffic in drugs;
  吸毒 take drugs
 (姓氏) a surname:
  毒平 Du Ping
 (有毒的) poisonous; noxious; poisoned:
  毒箭 a poisoned arrow;
  毒蜘蛛 poisonous spider
 (毒辣; 凶狠; 厉害; 猛烈) malicious; cruel; fierce:
  毒打某人 beat sb. mercilessly; beat sb. up;
  他的心肠真毒! How cruel he is!;
  那时太阳正毒,晒得他汗珠直往下滚。 The sun was at its fiercest and beads of sweat kept rolling down his face.
 (用毒物害死) kill with poison; poison:
  把老鼠毒死 poison a rat;
  你将不得不用药物把这些讨厌的植物毒死。 You will have to kill these unwanted plants with poison.




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