

字词 森林
释义 森林
 sēn lín
 forest; timber; sylva; silva; eng-forest; boscage; bush:
  被大火所毁的森林 forest ravaged by fire;
  穿过森林 go through a forest;
  他要去森林中野餐。 He wanted the picnic to be in the midst of the forest.
 森林斑翅山鹑 wood partridge;
 森林保护 {生态} forest conservancy; forest conservation;
 森林壁垒 strongly fortified;
 森林(作战)兵 jungleer;
 森林病理学 forest pathology;
 森林财政 forest finance;
 森林采伐权 bote;
 森林草原 sylvosteppe;
 森林测计学 mensuration;
 森林测量 forest surveying;
 森林产业 forest estate;
 森林匙羹藤酸 gymnemic acid;
 森林虫害 damage by forest-insects;
 森林重造 reafforest;
 森林抽样调查 forest sampling survey;
 森林储备基金 forest reserve funds;
 森林纯利价 forest rental value;
 森林纯收获 forest net yield;
 森林地被物 forest litter (枯枝落叶层);
 森林带 forest region;
 森林调查 forest survey;
 森林顶极 {植} forest climax;
 森林冻原 {生态} forest-tundra;
 森林法 forest law;
 森林防火 forest fire protection;
 森林风 {气} forest wind;
 森林抚育 care of woods; tending of woods;
 森林腐殖质 forest humus;
 森林覆被 forest floor; forest cover;
 森林覆盖率 percentage of forest cover; forest acreage;
 森林更新 reafforest;
 森林工艺学 forest technology;
 森林公园 forest park;
 森林估价 forest assessment;
 森林古猿 dryopithecid;
 森林管理(学) forest administration;
 森林轨道 forest tramway;
 森林害虫 injurious forest-insect;
 森林害鸟 injurious bird of forest;
 森林害兽 injurious beast of forest;
 森林航空测量 forest aerosurveying;
 森林航空调查 forest aerial reconnaissance;
 森林化学 forest chemistry;
 森林化学品 silvichemical;
 森林荒废 forest devastation;
 森林火险 risk of forest fire;
 森林火险预报 forest fire danger forecasting;
 森林火灾 forest fire;
 森林火灾保险 forest fire insurance;
 森林极限温度 forest limit temperature;
 森林技师 forest examiner;
 森林间接效用 indirect utility of forest;
 森林经理 forest management;
 森林经营 forest management;
 森林净化 forest cleaning;
 森林勘察 cruise;
 森林看守员 forest ranger;
 森林课税 forest taxation;
 森林恐怖 {心理} hylephobia; hylophobia;
 森林昆虫学 forest entomology;
 森林立地(位级)品质 site quality of forest;
 森林利用(学) forest utilization;
 森林猎兽 beast of venery;
 森林淋余土 marron soil;
 森林美学 forest esthetics;
 森林苗圃 forest nursery;
 森林脑炎 tick-borne encephalitis;
 森林脑炎病毒 russian spring-summer encephalitis virus;
 森林鸟害 damage by forest bird;
 森林判读 forest interpretation;
 森林破坏 forest deterioration;
 森林期望价 expectation value of forest;
 森林起源 origin of forest;
 森林气候观测所 forest weather station;
 森林气象学 {气} forest meteorology;
 森林千里光 wood groundsel;
 森林区划 division of forest area;
 森林区划线 isohyle;
 森林区域 wood land;
 森林摄影测量 forest photogrammetry;
 森林生产率 forest productivity;
 森林生产资本 forest-cost-capital;
 森林生境 forest site;
 森林生态学 {生态} forest ecology; silvics;
 森林使用权 forest right;
 森林事业年度 forest year;
 森林树木园 forest garden;
 森林所得税 forest income tax;
 森林所得权 forest property;
 森林天幕毛虫 forest tent caterpillar;
 森林铁道 (英) forest railway; (美) forest railroad;
 森林统计学 forest statistics;
 森林图 forest map;
 森林土 sylvogenic soil; forest soil;
 森林土壤 {林} forest soil; sylvestre soil;
 森林土壤改良 forest reclamation;
 森林违警 contravention of forest police;
 森林卫生学 forest hygienics;
 森林线 timberline; treeline; isohyle;
 森林小区 forest plot;
 森林学原理 silvics; sylvics;
 森林巡逻员 forest ranger;
 森林演替 forest succession;
 森林遥感 forest remote sensing;
 森林野牛 wood bison;
 森林益虫 useful forest-insect;
 森林益鸟 useful forest bird;
 森林杂草 forest weeds;
 森林植被 forest cover;
 森林植被型 drymion;
 森林植物 forest plants;
 森林植物群 forest vegetation;
 森林植物学 tree botany;
 森林职工 forest staff;
 森林制图 {林} forest mapping;
 森林资源 forest reserves




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