

字词 校正
释义 校正
 jiào zhèng
 check; correction; adjust; revise; proofread and correct; rectify; calibrate; make true; master check; {航空; 航海} correcting; adjustment; amendment; updating; zeroing-in; rectification; trim; collimating:
  校正错字 correct misprints
 校正保留体积 corrected retention volume;
 校正变量 correcting variable;
 校正表 gauge tables; correction table;
 校正补偿装置 correction and compensation device;
 校正不够 undercorrection;
 校正不完全透镜 undercorrected lens;
 校正部件 correcting unit; correcting member;
 校正措施 corrective action;
 校正磁铁 correcting magnet;
 校正电流 correcting current;
 校正电路 correcting circuit; corrector circuit; correction channel; corrector;
 校正电压 correction voltage;
 校正读(码) proof reading;
 校正反馈 correcting feedback;
 校正放大器 masking amplifier;
 校正功率 corrected power;
 校正公式 corrector formula; updating formula;
 校正规 corrective gauge;
 校正函数 correction function;
 校正基因 suppressor;
 校正计算 correction computation; correction computing;
 校正架 calibrated mount;
 校正键 check key;
 校正零点漂移放大器 drift-correcting amplifier;
 校正滤波器 correcting filter; compensating filter;
 校正滤光片 calibrated filter;
 校正轮 correcting wheel;
 校正罗盘 compass calibration; compass swing;
 校正螺旋 correction screw;
 校正码 correcting code;
 校正脉冲 correction pulse; correcting pulse;
 校正器 corrector; corrector unit; correcting unit;
 校正前馈 correcting feedforward;
 校正曲线 calibration curve;
 校正热耗 corrected heat consumption;
 校正时间 correction time;
 校正时钟 position;
 校正数据 correction data;
 校正速度 correction rate;
 校正算子 {数} corrector;
 校正条件 correcting condition;
 校正调整 master set ;
 校正通道 correction channel;
 校正透镜 correcting lens; collimating lens;
 校正网络 corrective network;
 校正系数 correction coefficient; correction factor; correction index;
 校正线路 corrector;
 校正线圈 correcting coil; peaking coil; shading coil;
 校正信号 correction signal; correcting signal;
 校正信息 control information;
 校正压装液压机 straightening and forcing hydraulic press;
 校正延迟 corrective delay;
 校正因数 correction factor;
 校正荧光激发光谱 corrected fluorescence excitation spectrum;
 校正元件 correcting element;
 校正者 corrector;
 校正滞后 corrective lag;
 校正装置 correcting unit; corrector;
 校正子 syndrome;
 校正作用 corrective action




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