

字词 标准
释义 标准
 biāo zhǔn
 (衡量事物的准则; 榜样; 规范) standard; criterion; benchmark; pip; rule; ètalon (衡器); merits:
  达到标准 be up to the standard;
  按我们的标准来看 by our standards;
  用高标准要求自己 set high demands on oneself;
  制定一个标准 lay down a criterion;
  设计标准 design criterion;
  合乎标准 up to the standard;
  他普通话说得很标准。 He speaks putonghua quite correctly.
  真理的标准只能是社会的实践。 Only social practice can be the criterion of truth.
 标准安培计 standard ammeter;
 标准版 standard edition;
 标准变压器 standard transformer; comparison transformer;
 标准标度盘 standard dial;
 标准波长 {物} standard wave length;
 标准波导 {电} standard waveguide;
 标准波束引导进场装置 standard beam approach (S.B.A.) system;
 标准补偿式电子管电压表 standard compensation type vacuum tube voltameter;
 标准部件 standardized component; package; normalizer;
 标准彩色副载波频率 standard chroma subcarrier frequency;
 标准采伐量 capability;
 标准参考物质 standard reference material;
 标准参照测验 criterion-referenced testing;
 标准操作规程 standard practice;
 标准草案 draft standard;
 标准测度 canonical measure;
 标准测角仪 standard goniometer;
 标准测力机 standard force measuring machine;
 标准测试 standard testing;
 标准测试(磁)带 standard recording tape;
 标准测试信号 standard measuring signal;
 标准测温熔锥 orton cone;
 标准层 index bed; key bed; marker bed;
 标准插换部件 standard plug-in unit;
 标准差 standard deviation; root-mean-square deviation;
 标准产地(地点) typelocality;
 标准产量计酬 paying remuneration according to standard output;
 标准产品 standardized product;
 标准场强法 standard-field strength method;
 标准程序 standard program; general routine;
 标准秤 master scale;
 标准齿轮 master gear;
 标准尺 standard ruler;
 标准尺寸 module;
 标准尺度 canonical scale; standard scale;
 标准稠度 normal consistency;
 标准传播 {电} standard propagation;
 标准传声器 standard microphone;
 标准纯物质 purified standard material;
 标准磁导率 normal permeability;
 标准大气 standard atmosphere;
 标准大气表 table of standard atmosphere;
 标准大气压层 standard atmosphere; normal atmosphere;
 标准大气压力 normal (standard) atmospheric pressure;
 标准代数 standard algebra;
 标准单位 standard unit;
 标准灯 {物} standard lamp;
 标准等压面 mandatory; mandatory level;
 标准滴定液 titrant;
 标准地 sample area;
 标准地面站 standard earth station;
 标准地球 standard earth;
 标准地球系数 coefficient of standard earth;
 标准点 fixed point; gauge (index) point;
 标准电池 standard cell; normal cell;
 标准电度表 rotating standard; reference kilowatthour meter;
 标准电杆 standard pole;
 标准电感 standard inductance; standard inductor;
 标准电极 standard electrode; normal electrode;
 标准电极电位 standard electrode potential;
 标准电缆 standard cable;
 标准电流表 standard ampere-meter;
 标准电流发生器 standard current generator;
 标准电平 reference level;
 标准电容 standard capacitance;
 标准电容传声器 standard capacitor microphone;
 标准电容器 standard capacitor; standard condenser; reference capacitor;
 标准电容箱 standard capacitance box;
 标准电势 standard electrode potential;
 标准电视信号 standard television signal;
 标准电压 reference voltage;
 标准电压表 standard voltmeter;
 标准电压发生器 standard voltage generator;
 标准电阻 standard resistance; measuring resistance;
 标准电阻合金 Novokonstant;
 标准电阻器 standard resistor;
 标准电阻箱 standard resistance box;
 标准度盘 calibrated dial;
 标准断面 standard section;
 标准多面棱体 standard polygon;
 标准耳机 standard earphone;
 标准二进制 normal binary; ordinary binary; straight binary;
 标准法定价格 standard legal price;
 标准法码 standard weights;
 标准反射板 standard reflecting plate;
 标准放音补偿特性 standard compensation characteristic for playback;
 标准放映室 review room;
 标准费率 standard rate;
 标准分度齿轮 master dividing gear;
 标准分解 standard decomposition; standard resolution; canonical decomposition;
 标准分类 criteria classification;
 标准伏尔天线 standard VOR antenna;
 标准负载 standard termination; standard load;
 标准感光计 standard sensitometer;
 标准港 standard port;
 标准格网 normal grid;
 标准格式 standard format; standard layout;
 标准工具 conventional tool; tool master;
 标准工时 standard labour time;
 标准工资率 standard rate of wages;
 标准功率 (基准功率) reference power;
 标准功率计 standard power meter;
 标准公差 standard of tolerance;
 标准拱 gauged arch;
 标准观察者 standard observer;
 标准光楔 standard optical wedge;
 标准光源 standard illuminant;
 标准广播波段 standard broadcast band;
 标准广播频道 standard broadcast channel;
 标准规 master gauge; {工} setting gauge;
 标准规格 basic size;
 标准规块 standard gauge block;
 标准轨距 standard gauge;
 标准辊道 gauge tables;
 标准过程 standard process;
 标准海水 Urnormal; standard sea water;
 标准函数 standard function; canonical function;
 标准化石 index fossil;
 标准还原电势 {化} normal reduction potential;
 标准还原蓝 indanthrene;
 标准环规 ring standard gauge; standard ring gauge;
 标准“或非” 电路 standard NOR;
 标准货币 proof coin;
 标准基线场 standardization site for baseline;
 标准基准面 standard datum plane;
 标准机床 standard machine tool;
 标准集装箱 standard container;
 标准计数器 standard counter;
 标准记数法 standard notation;
 标准加工方式standard processing mode;
 标准渐开线齿轮 standard involute gear;
 标准检查程序 benchmark;
 标准减量法 standard subtraction method;
 标准件 standard component; standardized parts;
 标准角度块 standard angle gauge block;
 标准接口 standard interface;
 标准介质 reference fluid;
 标准金 proof gold;
 标准紧固件 standard fasteners;
 标准晶体 standard crystal;
 标准晶体振荡器 standard crystal oscillator;
 标准镜头 normal lens;
 标准酒精 proof-spirit;
 标准局 bureau of standard;
 标准具 ètalon;
 标准距离点 anallactic point;
 标准菌株 reference culture;
 标准拷贝 answer print;
 标准刻度 master scale; standard scale;
 标准空气 {物} standard air;
 标准空腔谐振电路 standard cavity circuit;
 标准孔板 standard orifice plate;
 标准块 building block;
 标准宽度 normal width;
 标准矿物 standard mineral; normative mineral; index minerals;
 标准矿物成分 norm;
 标准雷达 standard radar; normal radar (NR);
 标准类型 standard type;
 标准联接器 AN connector;
 标准量具 etalon;
 标准零件 standardized element;
 标准流量器具 standard flow measuring instrument;
 标准漏孔 standard leak;
 标准滤光片 standard filter;
 标准罗兰 standard Loran;
 标准螺管线圈 {电} standard solenoid;
 标准螺纹规 standard screw;
 标准螺丝攻 master tap; hob tap;
 标准马 standardbred;
 标准马力 standard horse-power;
 标准脉冲 standard pulse;
 标准脉冲发生器 pulse pattern generator; standard pulse generator;
 标准煤驳 keel (=21.2长吨);
 标准门 {半} standard gate;
 标准米尺 standard meter;
 标准密度 standard density;
 标准面 index plane;
 标准模型 standard model;
 标准磨口接头 {化} normal ground joint;
 标准目标 {电} standard target;
 标准木 model tree;
 标准粘度计 standard viscosimeter;
 标准欧姆 standard ohm;
 标准剖面 standard section; type section;
 标准培养(物) type culture;
 标准偏差 standard deviation; standard error;
 标准频率 standard frequency; reference frequency;
 标准频率发生器 standard frequency generator;
 标准频率调偏比较法 standard frequency offset comparison technique;
 标准频率信号 {电} standard frequency signal;
 标准频率振荡器 standard frequency oscillator;
 标准频偏振荡器 standard frequency deviation osillator;
 标准气候 standard climate;
 标准气体 standard gas;
 标准气体混合物 {化} correct mixture;
 标准气压表 standard barometer;
 标准气压高度 standard pressure altitude;
 标准(原)器 etalon; standard;
 标准氢电极 standard hydrogen electrode;
 标准曲线 {物} standard curve;
 标准曲线法 calibration curve method;
 标准群 standard group;
 标准燃料 standard fuel;
 标准人 standard man;
 标准溶液 standard solution;
 标准容积流量计 standard volumetric flowmeter;
 标准三进制 normal ternary;
 标准三原色滤光器 standard trichromatic filter;
 标准散布 standard dispersion;
 标准色谱 standard colour spectra;
 标准砂 standard sand;
 标准筛 standard sieve;
 标准射距离试验 standard range firing;
 标准射束着陆系统 {航} S.B.A. (standard beam approach);
 标准设备 regular equipment; standard equipment;
 标准设计 modular design; standard design;
 标准声道 standard track;
 标准时(间) a standard time (civil time as reckoned from a certain meridian officially established as standard); standard time; universal time (UT);
 标准时号 standard time signal;
 标准时间频率发布 standard time-frequency broadcast;
 标准示波图 macrooscillograph;
 标准试块 standard test block (STB);
 标准试样 standard sample (specimen; test piece);
 标准手册 standard manual;
 标准输入量 standard input; reference input;
 标准输入输出接口 standard I/O interface;
 标准数据格式 standard data format;
 标准水听器 standard hydrophone;
 标准饲养 standard feeding;
 标准(板牙)丝锥 die hob; {机} master tap;
 标准算符 standard operator;
 标准体系 standard system;
 标准天线 standard antenna;
 标准天线法 standard-antenna method;
 标准添加法 standard addition method;
 标准条件 standard conditions; {电子测量} reference condition;
 标准条款 model clause; standard clause;
 标准铁轨 standard-ga(u)ge rail;
 标准铁路轨距 standard railway gage;
 标准同步信号 standard sync signal;
 标准同轴电缆 standard coaxial cable;
 标准统一区 standard consolidated area;
 标准投影图 {物} standard projection;
 标准图 ideograph; normal chart (map); standard drawing;
 标准图像测试卡 standard video test card;
 标准椭球 normal ellipsoid;
 标准温度和压力 {物} standard temperature and pressure;
 标准温度计 standard thermometer;
 标准文件 standard file;
 标准稳压管 voltage reference diode;
 标准问题 typical problem;
 标准无线电导航设备 standard radio aids;
 标准物质 reference material;
 标准误差 standard error;
 标准蜗杆 master worm;
 标准细长玻璃 winchester;
 标准系列法 standard series method;
 标准线规 Standard Wire Gauge;
 标准箱 base box;
 标准像(相) official portrait;
 标准相位表 standard phase meter;
 标准谐振腔 rederence cavity;
 标准心轴 standard mandrel;
 标准信号 standard signal; reference signal;
 标准信号发大器 standard signal generator;
 标准信号放大器 standard signal amplifier;
 标准星 standard star;
 标准形成热 standard heat offormation;
 标准形式 standard form; nomalized form; canonical form;
 标准虚拟机 standard virtual machine;
 标准选择 standard option;
 标准烟色图 ringelman chart;
 标准样板 standard jig;
 标准样本 standard sample;
 标准样件 etalon;
 标准样品 type sample; standard sample;
 标准仪表(仪器) standard instrument;
 标准以下 below the mark;
 标准音 standard pronunciation;
 标准音调 {物} standard pitch;
 标准音量指示器 {电} standard volume indicator;
 标准英语 {计} ruly English;
 标准硬度块 standard block of hardness;
 标准映射 standard mapping; canonical mapping;
 标准油 standard oil;
 标准语 standard speech;
 标准源 standard source;
 标准云母电容器 standard mica capacitor;
 标准运载火箭 standard launching vehicle;
 标准载荷 standard load;
 标准噪声发生器 standard noise generator;
 标准噪声温度 standard noise temperature;
 标准障板 standard baffle;
 标准折射 standard refraction;
 标准振动装置 standard vibration generator;
 标准振幅 standard amplitude;
 标准正态分布 standard normal distribution;
 标准正交化 orthonormalizing;
 标准正交系 normal orthogonal system; orthonormal system;
 标准值 normal; normalized value; reference quantity;
 标准指令 standard instruction; stereotyped command;
 标准指令组 standard instruction set;
 标准制 metric system;
 标准制冷循环 standard refrigeration cycle;
 标准质量控制 standard quality control;
 标准钟 etalon (regulator) clock; regulator;
 标准仲裁条款 model (standard) arbitration clause;
 标准重力 normal gravity; standard gravity;
 标准珠光体 normal pearlite;
 标准烛光 standard candle;
 标准状态 normal state;
 标准锥 segar-cone;
 标准锥度规 standard taper gauge;
 标准子程序 standard subroutine;
 标准子集合 standard subset;
 标准子午圈(线) standard meridian;
 标准字符 standard characters;
 标准阻抗 normal impedance;
 标准阻抗元件 standard impedance unit;
 标准组合件 standard package;
 标准作业 standard operation;
 标准坐标系 standard coordinate system




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