

  (书) (树梢) treetop; the tip of a tree
 (枝节或表面) symptom; outside appearance; outward sign:
  治标不如治本 cure the disease rather than the symptoms
 (植物的地上部分) shoot
 (表识; 记号)label; mark; sign:
  路标 road signal (sign);
  浮标 buoy or other marking at sea;
  商标 trade mark;
  音标 phonetic symbol
 (奖品) award; prize; trophy:
  锦标 the banner;
  夺标 win the championship; compete for the first prize
 (竞争厂商标出的价格) bid; public commercial bidding; tender:
  招标 invite public bidding (tender(s));
  投标 put in (make) a tender
 (清末陆军编制之一) regiment in the Qing Dynasty
 (用文字或他物表明) mark; label:
  标上号码 put a number on;
  句末标上问号 put a question mark at the end of the sentence;
  标上价码 mark a price;
  标界 demarcate a boundary;
  商品都标了价格。 Every article has a price tag on it.




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