

字词 林木
释义 林木
 lín mù
 (树林) forest; woods:
  林木葱郁 densely wooded
 (生长在森林中的树木) forest tree; crop; sylva:
  经济林木 trees of economic value;
  油料林木 oil-yielding shrubs
 林木病害 forest-crop disease;
 林木病理学 forest pathology;
 林木采收费 expense of harvesting and of collection of revenue;
 林木繁殖法 restocking;
 林木改良 forest tree improvement;
 林木高度 height of crop;
 林木卖价 sale value of growing stock;
 林木期望价 expectation value of stand;
 林木线 timberline; tree line;
 林木蓄积(量) standing crop;
 林木育种 forest genetics; forest tree breeding;
 林木郁闭 closing of standing-crop;
 林木贼 wood horsetail;
 林木沼泽 muskeg;
 林木种子 (forest-) tree seed;
 林木株数 stem-number




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