

 (顶点; 尽头)the utmost point; extreme:
  登峰造极 reach the peak of perfection; reach the limit;
  极而言之 talk in extreme terms;
  无所不用其极 go to any extreme; stop at nothing;
  愚蠢之极 be the height of folly
 (地球的南北两端; 磁体的两端; 电源或电器上电流进入或流出的一端) pole:
  北 (南)极 the North (South) Pole;
  阳(阴)极 positive (negative) pole
 (姓氏) a surname:
  极荣 Ji Rong
 (尽; 达到顶点) reach the end of; push to extremes:
  物极必反 things which have reached their extremes turn into their opposites; a thing turns into its opposite if pushed too far
 (最终的; 最高的) utmost; extreme; final:
  极限 the utmost limits; the limit
 (表示达到最高程度) extremely; exceedingly:
  高兴极了 extremely happy;
  给予极大的注意 give maximum attention to; pay very close attention to;
  极少数 a tiny minority; only a few; a handful;
  极为重要 of the utmost importance




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