

字词 松劲
释义 松劲
 sōng jìn
 relax one's efforts; slacken (off); slack up one's effort:
  松劲情绪 slack mood;
  即便在顺利的情况下也不要松劲。 Don't let down even if the going is good.
  快到完成的时候了, 别松劲啊。 Don't slack up your effort, as we are getting to the end.
  要再接再励, 不能松劲。 Redouble your efforts and not slacken off.
  我们一刻也不能松劲。 We should never let up for a moment.
 松劲杆 slackener; easers;
 松劲运动 easer motion; easing motion;
 松劲装置 easers




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