

 (松树) pine:
  长叶 (马尾)松 long-leaf (masson) pine;
  油松 Chinese pine
 (绒状或碎末状食品) dried meat floss; dried minced meat:
  猪肉松 dried minced pork
 (姓氏) a surname:
  松云 Song Yun
 (松散) loose; slack:
  把绳子再放松一点。 Give the rope more play.
  你的鞋带松了。 Your shoelace has come loose.
  绳子太松了。 The rope is too slack.
  这里的土质很松。 The soil here is very loose.
 (经济宽裕) not hard up:
  他手头比过去松多了。 He's much better off than before.
 (不坚实) light and flaky; soft:
  这点心松脆可口。 The pastry is light and crisp.
  这种木料松, 做家具不合适。 The wood is too soft for making furniture.
 (使松) loosen; relax; slacken:
  松松螺丝 loosen the screw a little bit;
  松开手 relax one's hold;
  现在我们可以松一口气了。 Now we can have a breathing spell.
  齿轮就是松不开来。 The gear just would not come unstuck.




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