

字词 束手无策
释义 束手无策
 shù shǒu wú cè
 be at a loss what to do; be at the end of one's rope; can do nothing but nailbiting; can do nothing to help...; feel quite helpless; find (stick) oneself in the mire; fold one's hands helplessly; fold one's hands without knowing what to do; have no more arrows left in one's quiver; no way out; at one's wits' end; without resources (expedients); wring one's hands in dismay; up a stump:
  他束手无策地站着, 活像丢魂失魄似的。 He stood helplessly, like a lost soul.
  他也束手无策, 别指望他帮助啦。 He is at the end of his resources, too. Don't count on him for help.




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