

字词 权威
释义 权威
 quán wēi
 authority; authoritativeness; a person of authority:
  崇拜权威 the worship of an authority;
  这 一科目的权威著作 the standard book on the subject;
  自封为权威 term oneself an authority;
  以权威自居 regard oneself as the authority on;
  学术权威 an academic authority;
  权威接受理论 acceptance theory of authority;
  权威解释 authentic interpretation;
  权威人士 authoritative person; authoritative sources;
  权威作家 a standard writer;
  权威形象 an authority image;
  不要被权威名人所吓倒。 Don't be overawed by authorities and big names.
 权威个性 authoritarian personality;
 权威性格 authoritarian character




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