

字词 机械
释义 机械
 jī xiè
 (利用力学原理组成的各种装置) machinery; machine; mechanism:
  大型机械 big machinery;
  工业机械 industrial machinery;
  建筑机械 construction machinery;
  选矿机械 ore-dressing machinery;
  最新式的机械 up-to-date machinery
 (死板; 刻板) mechanical; inflexible; rigid:
  不要盲目地或机械地照搬外国的东西。 Never copy foreign things blindly or mechanically.
 机械搬运 mechanical handing;
 机械拌合 machine mixing; mechanical mixture;
 机械包装协会 mechanical packing association;
 机械剥皮 mechanical barking;
 机械保安装置 mechanical interlocking protective assembly;
 机械保持继电器 mechanical latching relay;
 机械保持小型纵横接线器 mechanical latching miniature crossbar switch;
 机械保险装置 mechanical safety;
 机械比较器(仪) {工} mechanical comparator;
 机械闭合与开断 recoupling;
 机械闭锁继电器 mechanical locker relay;
 机械编辑 physical editing;
 机械变换器 mechanical converter;
 机械变扭器 {机} mechanical torque converter;
 机械变速拖动装置 mechanical variable speed drive;
 机械变质作用 {地} mechanical metamorphism;
 机械并联回路 mechanical parallel circuit;
 机械波 mechanical wave;
 机械补救系统 machinery retrieval system;
 机械不同轴性 mechanical misalignment;
 机械布置 machinery arrangement; machinery lay-out;
 机械步进电动机 {电工} mechanical stepping motor;
 机械部分 mechanical part;
 机械操舵系统 mechanical steering control system;
 机械操纵员 leverman;
 机械操作 mechanism; mechanical manipulation;
 机械测井仪 snitch;
 机械测力计 mechanical dynamometer;
 机械测量机 mechanical measuring machine;
 机械差动装置 mechanical differential;
 机械产品 engineering goods;
 机械乘法 mechanical multiplication;
 机械乘法器 mechanical multiplier;
 机械程序设计 mechanical programmer;
 机械秤 {工} mechanical scale;
 机械迟滞作用 mechanical hysteresis effect;
 机械冲击 mechanical shock;
 机械冲压 mechanical stamping;
 机械充气 mechanical aeration;
 机械充填 mechanical stowing;
 机械抽样 mechanical sampling;
 机械初步抽空泵 mechanical roughening pump;
 机械除尘 dust removal with machine;
 机械除尘器 mechanical dust collector; mechanical dust extractor; mechanical grit arrester;
 机械除鳞 mechanical descaling;
 机械除锈 mechanical derusting;
 机械除雪 snow removal with machine;
 机械穿透 mechanical penetration;
 机械传动 mechanical drive;
 机械传动比 (记录器) register ratio;
 机械传动光反射器 mechanically-driven optical reflector;
 机械传动系统 machine driven system;
 机械传输装置系统 mechanical transmission system;
 机械串联电(回)路 mechanical series circuit;
 机械锤 machine hammer; hammer apparatus;
 机械粗加工 mechanical roughening;
 机械存储器 mechanical storage; mechanical bank;
 机械打壳 mechanical crust breaking;
 机械打样 machine proofing;
 机械打桩机 hammer apparatus;
 机械单位 mechanical-type unit;
 机械点刻 {刷} mechanical stipple;
 机械垫板 {刷} mechanical overlay;
 机械电子工业 mechanotronics;
 机械电子学 machinery electronics;
 机械定时继电器 mechanically-timed relay;
 机械定时器 mechanical timer;
 机械动力 machine power; mechanized power;
 机械动力学 dynamics of machinery; mechanical kinetics;
 机械动能 mechanical kinetic energy;
 机械抖动机 mechanical shaker;
 机械镀 mechanical plating;
 机械断续器 mechanical interrupter;
 机械堆料机 mechanical pusher ram;
 机械对准 mechanical registration;
 机械对准中心 mechanical centering;
 机械钝性 mechanical passivity;
 机械法除绳锈 threshing;
 机械法制浆 {机} mechanical pulping;
 机械翻译 mechanical translation;
 机械反馈 mechanical feedback;
 机械反作用力 mechanical reactance;
 机械方法截槽 machine-cut;
 机械方法消除应力 mechanical stress relieving;
 机械方式 mechanical system; (织物)
 机械防缩处理 sanforizing;
 机械防缩机 compressive shrinkage range;
 机械仿形附件 mechanical copying attachment;
 机械放液机 mechanical tapping machine;
 机械分度头 mechanical dividing heads;
 机械分级 {机} mechanical classification;
 机械分级机 mechanical (-type) classifier;
 机械分级器 {机} mechanical classifier;
 机械分离 mechanical separation;
 机械分析 {机} mechanical analysis;
 机械粉碎 mechanical comminution; mechanical pulverization;
 机械封顶钢 mechanically capped steel;
 机械封装 mechanical capsulation;
 机械风化 physical weathering; mechanical weathering;
 机械风化壳 mechanical residuum;
 机械风琴 orchestrion;
 机械浮选槽 {采矿} mechanical flotation cell;
 机械复制品 mechanograph;
 机械感触装置 mechanical feel device;
 机械感受器 mechanoceptor;
 机械钢琴 melotrope;
 机械高温计 mechanical pyrometer;
 机械隔离 mechanical isolation;
 机械工厂 machine works;
 机械工程(学) {工} mechanical engineering;
 机械工程师 mechanical engineer;
 机械工段 machine bay;
 机械工人 mechanic;
 机械工业 engineering industry; mechanical industry;
 机械工长 master mechanic;
 机械功 mechanical work;
 机械功率 mechanical output;
 机械共振 mechanical resonance;
 机械构件 mechanical component;
 机械故障 mechanical failure; mechanical stoppage;
 机械灌溉 irrigation by mechanical power;
 机械光偏转器 mechanico-optic deflector;
 机械光学比较仪 mechanical optical comparator;
 机械光学录音 mechanical optical sound recording;
 机械光学振动计 {工} mechanooptical vibrometer;
 机械过程 mechanical process;
 机械过滤呼吸器 {核子} mechanical filter respirator;
 机械过滤器 {油工} mechanical filter;
 机械焊接 mechanical welding;
 机械焊接吹管 machine welding torch;
 机械核对 mechanical verification;
 机械滑脂润滑器 mechanical grease lubricator;
 机械化学 mechanochemistry;
 机械环境 mechanical environment;
 机械换流器 permutator;
 机械簧风琴 orchestrelle;
 机械混合物 mechanical impurity;
 机械基础 machinery foundation;
 机械积分器 mechanical integrator;
 机械积载 mechanized stowage;
 机械极限 mechanical limit;
 机械几何学 geometry of machinery;
 机械技术 mechanical technique; modern mechanical know-how;
 机械计数器 mechanical counter;
 机械计算电路 mechanizing circuit;
 机械计算机 mechanical computer; mechanical computing system;
 机械计算装置 mechanized accountant; mechanical accountant;
 机械记录 mechanical record(ing);
 机械记录器 mechanical recorder; mechanical register(ing);
 机械寄存器 mechanical register;
 机械加固 mechanical consolidation;
 机械加料器 mechanical charge;
 机械夹固车刀 mechanically clamped tool;
 机械架腿 machine leg;
 机械间隙 mechanical clearance;
 机械减震器 mechanical damper;
 机械搅拌 mechanical rabbling;
 机械搅拌机 machine mixer;
 机械搅拌多膛焙烧炉 mechanical multiple hearth revolving rabble type roaster;
 机械搅拌焙烧炉 mechanical roaster;
 机械搅拌器 {采矿} rabble; mechanical agitator; mechanical rabble; mechanical stirrer;
 机械矫直 machine straightening; mechanical straightening;
 机械校验 mechanical verification;
 机械接触 mechanical contact;
 机械接口 {自} mechanical interface;
 机械接头 {工} mechanical splice;
 机械结构 physical construction;
 机械结构谐振频率试验 mechanical structure resonance frequency test;
 机械结合 {土} mechanical bond;
 机械进给 mechanical feed;
 机械净化 mechanical cleaning;
 机械靠模 direct copy;
 机械可变延迟线 mechanically variable delay line;
 机械可靠性 mechanical reliability;
 机械可逆性 mechanical reversibility;
 机械刻图 mechanical scribing;
 机械孔径 mechanicalness opening;
 机械控制 mechanical control;
 机械控制电路 mechanical control circuit;
 机械控制电子管 mechanically controlled tube;
 机械控制装置 machine control unit;
 机械老化 mechanical aging;
 机械类 enginery;
 机械冷却 mechanical cooling;
 机械离合器 power clutch;
 机械利益 mechanical advantage;
 机械力 mechanical force;
 机械力学 mechanics of machinery;
 机械联动 mechanical linkage;
 机械联接式效率试验 mechanical back-to-back test;
 机械联锁 mechanical interlock(ing);
 机械连接 ganging; mechanical connection; mechanical linkage;
 机械疗法 mechanotherapy;
 机械零点 mechanical zero;
 机械零件 machine element; machinery parts;
 机械流体动力学 machinery fluid dynamics;
 机械录音 mechanical recording;
 机械录音机 shorinophon;
 机械录音头 cutting head;
 机械滤波器 mechanical filter;
 机械孪晶 mechanical twin;
 机械论 mechanistic philosophy;
 机械螺丝刀 screw gun;
 机械骡 {军} mechanical mule;
 机械脉冲 mechanical pulsing;
 机械铆接 {工} machine riveting;
 机械密封 mechanical seal;
 机械面积 {房} mechanical area;
 机械面密封 mechanical face seal;
 机械瞄准具 iron sight;
 机械模拟 {工} mechanical analogue;
 机械模拟计算机 mechanical analogue computer;
 机械磨耗 mechanical wear;
 机械磨面草 machine buff;
 机械磨蚀 abrasion; mechanical wear;
 机械磨损 mechanical wear;
 机械摩擦 mechanical friction;
 机械摩擦损失 mechanical friction loss;
 机械摩擦阻力 mechanical friction resistance;
 机械末控元件 mechanical final control element;
 机械木浆{纸} groundwood pulp; mechanical pulp;
 机械粘砂 abreuvage;
 机械耦合 mechanical coupling;
 机械耙动系统 mechanical raking system;
 机械排气通风系统 mechanical exhaust system of ventilation;
 机械抛光 machine glazed finish; mechanical buffing; mechanical polishing;
 机械抛光衬底 mechanically-polished substrate;
 机械抛光片 mechanically-polished slice;
 机械泡沫塑料 {材} mechanically foamed plastic;
 机械喷镀 {冶} mechanical plating;
 机械喷射 mechanical injection;
 机械喷射式柴油机 diesel engine with mechanical injection;
 机械喷油系统 {机} solid injection system;
 机械喷嘴 pressure jet apparatus;
 机械碰撞强度 mechanical impact strength;
 机械疲劳理论 mechanical fatigue theory;
 机械疲劳试验 mechanical fatigue test;
 机械偏置{讯} mechanical bias;
 机械频率稳定 mechanical frequency stabilization;
 机械品质因数 mechanical quality factor;
 机械平地 machine grading;
 机械平衡 mechanical balance; mechanical equilibrium;
 机械平衡装置 mechanical equilibrator;
 机械破坏极限电流定额 mechanical current rating;
 机械破碎 chopping;
 机械曝气法{土} mechanical aeration;
 机械气割工具配套部件 machine gas cutting unit;
 机械气割炬 machine gas cutting torch;
 机械气割炬嘴 machine gas cutting torch nozzle;
 机械起重 power jacking;
 机械砌合 mechanical bond;
 机械牵引 mechanical traction;
 机械强度 mechanical strength;
 机械强度试验 mechanical robustness testing;
 机械切割吹管 machine cutting torch;
 机械切削 machine cut; mechanical cutting;
 机械切削齿 machine cut tooth;
 机械切削试验 machining test;
 机械倾角 {电子} mechanical tilt;
 机械清灰煤气发生炉 mechanical ashed producer;
 机械驱动式功率计 mechanically actuated power meter;
 机械驱动系统 mechanical drive system;
 机械驱动用透平 mechanical drive turbine;
 机械去极化 mechanical depolarization;
 机械缺陷 mechanical defect;
 机械燃油泵 mechanical fuel pump;
 机械让压支柱 {采矿} friction yielding prop; mechanical yielding prop;
 机械热效应 mechanocaloric effect; (城镇人口的)
 机械增长 mechanical increase in the urban population;
 机械润滑 mechanical lubrication;
 机械润滑油 machinery oils;
 机械容差 mechanical tolerance;
 机械筛 mechanical picker; power screen;
 机械扫描 mechanical scanning;
 机械扫描分光镜 rotary scanning spectroscope;
 机械扫描器 {自} mechanical scanner;
 机械扫描声全息 acoustical holography by mechanical scanning;
 机械扫描阵列天线 mechanically positioned array antenna;
 机械刹车 mechanical brake;
 机械设备 plant equipment;
 机械设计 machine design; mechanical layout;
 机械声 mechanic sound;
 机械升力 mechanical lift;
 机械师 mechanician; mechanist; mechanic; engineer; engineman;
 机械湿度表 {工} mechanical hygrometer;
 机械湿选法 wet mechanical method;
 机械时效 mechanical ageing;
 机械释放装置 mechanical trip;
 机械售货机 mechanical vending machine;
 机械受感器 mechanoreceptor;
 机械疏伐 mechanical thinning;
 机械数字轮 mechanical counter wheel;
 机械刷 brusher; power broom;
 机械双晶 mechanical twin;
 机械伺服(系统) mechanical servo;
 机械随动系统 mechanical servo;
 机械随动闸 mechanical servo-brake;
 机械碎屑岩 laxite;
 机械损伤 mechanical damage; technical damage;
 机械损失 mechanical loss;
 机械顺从性 mechanical compliance;
 机械说明 mechanical description;
 机械缩放仪 mechanical pantograph;
 机械缩孔 mechanical pipe;
 机械锁定 mechanical caging;
 机械台 mechanical stage;
 机械特性 mechanical characteristic; torque-speed characteristic;
 机械特性曲线 mechanical characteristic;
 机械提升船坞 {土} mechanical lift dock;
 机械条件 mechanical condition;
 机械调节器 mechanically-operated controller;
 机械调速装置 mechanical adjustable speed drive;
 机械调相器 mechanically adjustable phase shifter;
 机械调谐 mechanical tuning;
 机械调谐范围 mechanical tuning range;
 机械调谐管 mechanically tuned tube;
 机械调整 mechanical adjustment;
 机械调制盘 mechanical chopper;
 机械调制器 {电工} mechanical modulator;
 机械跳汰选 machine jigging;
 机械停车闸 mechanical parking brake;
 机械通风 force ventilation; forced draught; mechanical draft; mechanical ventilation;
 机械通风冷却塔 {机} mechanical-draft cooling tower;
 机械图 machine drawing;
 机械图样 {图} mechanical drawing;
 机械微分分析机 mechanical differential analyzer;
 机械唯物主义 {哲} mechanical materialism;
 机械位置读数器 mechanical position readouts;
 机械稳定性 mechanical stability;
 机械稳定器 mechanical stabilizer;
 机械雾化 mechanical atomization;
 机械雾化器 mechanical atomizer;
 机械吸震能力 mechanical hystereses loss;
 机械系统 mechanical system;
 机械限制系统 machine-limited system;
 机械镶嵌{机} cast setting; machine setting; mechanical setting; sinter setting;
 机械消旋天线 mechanically despun antenna;
 机械效力 leverage;
 机械效率 mechanical efficiency; modulus of a machine; torque efficiency;
 机械效率系数 coefficient of mechanical efficiency;
 机械效能 mechanical effect;
 机械效益 {机} mechanical advantage;
 机械谐振器 mechanical resonator;
 机械信号 mechanical signal;
 机械形态学说 mechanomorphism;
 机械修理车间 mechanical repairing department;
 机械修理用备件 machinery repair parts;
 机械修正 mechanical cleaning;
 机械修整 machine finish;
 机械学 mechanics; mechanology;
 机械循环 mechanical circulation (水或汽);
 机械循环式蒸气供暖 steam heating with mechanical circulation;
 机械压力 mechanical pressure;
 机械压力表 mechanical pressure gauge;
 机械压力机 {机} mechanical press; mechanically-operated press;
 机械压力雾化器 mechanical pressure atomizer;
 机械压缩机 mechanical compressor;
 机械压弯机 mechanical press brake;
 机械压油润滑 mechanical force feed lubrication;
 机械研磨 mechanical lapping;
 机械掩蔽法 mechanical masking;
 机械眼 ophthalmotrope (演示眼肌的运动);
 机械遥测{讯} mechanical telemetry;
 机械遥控 mechanical remote control;
 机械冶金学 {冶} mechanical metallurgy;
 机械液压联合深拉延 mechanical hydraulic deep drawing;
 机械液压深拉延 hydromechanical deep drawing;
 机械液压式控制 mechanical hydraulic control;
 机械液压调速器 mechanical hydraulic governor;
 机械应变 mechanical strain;
 机械应力 mechanical stress;
 机械应力测量器 stressometer;
 机械硬化 mechanical hardening; strain hardening;
 机械用材 mechanical wood;
 机械用量 mechanical appliances;
 机械优值 mechanical factor of merit;
 机械鱼栅 mechanical screen;
 机械语言结构 mechanical language structure;
 机械预缩整理 sanforized;
 机械元件 {设计} machine element;
 机械原理 principle of machinery; theory of machines;
 机械员 machine man; motor mechanic;
 机械运动 {物} mechanical movement;
 机械运动学 kinematics of machinery;
 机械运输车辆 mechanical transport vehicle;
 机械运输器材库 mechanical transport depot;
 机械闸刀式剪切机 mechanical guillotine shears;
 机械杂质 mechanical admixture;
 机械杂质粗粒 heavy solids;
 机械载荷 mechanical load;
 机械增压泵 mechanical booster pump;
 机械粘附 mechanical adhesion;
 机械粘砂 {冶} penetration; abreuvage; burnt-in sand; metal penetration (type);
 机械斩波器 mechanical chopper;
 机械噪音 mechanicalness noise;
 机械造型 {工} machine moulding; mechanical moulding;
 机械胀形模 mechanical bulging die;
 机械真空泵 mechanical vacuum pump;
 机械帧扫描摄像管 {讯} telepantoscope;
 机械振荡器 mechanical oscillator;
 机械振动 mechanical oscillations; mechanical vibration;
 机械振动发生器 mechanical vibrator generator;
 机械振动器 mechanical vibrator;
 机械振动筛 moto-vibro screen;
 机械振动系统 mechanical vibrating system;
 机械振铃 {讯} machine ringing;
 机械振筛 vanning jig;
 机械震击清理 mechanical impact cleaning;
 机械整流器 {电工} commutator rectifier; mechanical rectifier;
 机械指示器 pop-up indicator;
 机械纸带输入机 mechanical paper tape reader;
 机械致热效应 mechanocaloric effect (低温);
 机械置换 {自} mechanical replacement;
 机械制动器 mechanical brake;
 机械制冷 {机} mechanical refrigeration;
 机械制模 machine moulding;
 机械制图 {图} mechanical drafting; mechanical drawing; machine drawing; instrument drawing;
 机械制造 machinofacture;
 机械制造厂 engineering works;
 机械滞后 mechanical hysteresis;
 机械滞后效应 mechanical hysteresis effect;
 机械中性轴线 mechanical neutral axis;
 机械钟 mechanical clock;
 机械轴 mechanical axis;
 机械钻 power auger;
 机械钻孔 machine drilling;
 机械装备 mechanized equipment;
 机械装配器 mechanized assembler;
 机械装岩{机} mechanical mucking;
 机械装载 mechanical loading;
 机械装载机 helldriver; mechanical loader;
 机械装置 mechanism; engine; enginery; mechanical device;
 机械自动电话制 machine switching telephone system;
 机械自动化 mechanical automation;
 机械自动润滑 mechanical automatic lubrication;
 机械阻抗 mechanical impedance;
 机械阻力 mechanical resistance;
 机械阻尼 mechanical damping;
 机械阻尼器 mechanical damper;
 机械组织 mechanical tissue;
 机械作用 mechanism; mechanical action;
 机械作用斜槽 gravity unload with mechanical action chute




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