

字词 机构
释义 机构
 jī gòu
  {机} (机械的内部构造或一个单元) mechanism:
  传动机构 transmission-mechanism;
  分离机构 disengaging mechanism
 (机关; 团体) organ; organization; institution; facility; rigging; setup:
  裁军机构 disarmament mechanism (machinery);
  管理机构 administrative setup; the administration;
  金融机构 financial setup;
  科研机构 institution for scientific research;
  行政机构 administrative setup;
  宣传机构 propaganda organization;
  精简行政机构 simplify administrative structure;
  联络机构 organ for liaison;
  权力机构 organ for power;
  机构臃肿 inflated departments; overexpansion of organizations;
  政府机构 government organization
 (机关、团体等的内部组织) the internal structure of an organization:
  调整机构 adjust the organizational structure
 机构重叠 organizational overlapping; overlapping institutions;
 机构动力分析 dynamic analysis of mechanism;
 机构改革 institutional reform; reform of organization;
 机构精干 organization's compactness;
 机构设计 mechanism design;
 机构特点 mechanical feature;
 机构系统 train of mechanism;
 机构学 mechanism;
 机构仲裁 institutional arbitration




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