

字词 机关
释义 机关
 jī guān
 (机械的关键部分) mechanism; gear:
  启动机关 starting gear
 (用机械控制的) machine-operated:
  机关布景 machine-operated stage scenery
 (办理事务的部门) office; organ; institution; body:
  党政机关 the Party and government organizations;
  公安机关 public security organs;
  国家机关 state organs;
  领导机关 leading bodies;
  上级机关 higher leading bodies;
  文化教育机关 cultural and educational institutions;
  法院为政府的主要机关之一。 A court is one of the chief organs of government.
 (周密巧妙的计谋) stratagem; scheme; intrigue:
  识破机关 see through a trick;
  机关败露。 One's plot failed.
 机关报 organ; official newspaper;
 机关干部 government functionary; office worker;
 机关刊物 organ;
 机关炮 machine cannon; machine-gun cannon;
 机关枪 tata; emmagee; {军} machine gun




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