

字词 本来
释义 本来
 běn lái
 (原有的) original:
  本来的意思 original meaning; original intention;
  事物本来的辩证法 the dialectics inherent in things
 (原先; 先前) originally; at first:
  他本来准备学物理的,但后来改变了主意。 He wanted to study physics at first. But he changed his mind later.
  在处理这件事情上, 他们本来是可以避免使用武力的。 They could have avoided resorting to force in dealing with the matter.
 (理所当然) it goes without saying; of course; naturally:
  本来就该这样办。 Of course it should be handled that way.
  你昨晚本来无需来的。 You need not have come last light.




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