

字词 本人
释义 本人
 běn rén
 (指说话人) self; I (me; myself):
  我本人将坚决执行这个计划。 I myself will firmly carry out this plan.
 (指当事人) oneself; in the flesh; in person:
  我要和经理本人谈一谈。 I would like to talk to the manager himself.
  必须本人来。 You must come in person.
  看见电影明星本人是一件令人十分兴奋的事。 It is quite a thrill to see a real movie star in the flesh.
  {经} (经纪人或代理人所代表的委托人) principal
 本人过失 actual fault of privity;
 本人身份证 personal identification papers (card; certificate)




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