

 (草木的茎或根) stem or root of plants:
  草本 grass family;
  木本 plants with stiff trunks; the stem of a tree;
  木本植物 woody plants;
  水有源, 木有本。 A stream has its source, a tree has its root.
 (事物的根源) foundation; origin; basis:
  忘本 forget one's ancestry or tradition;
  舍本逐末 attend to the superficials and neglect the essentials;
  胜利之本 the foundation of victory
 (本钱; 本金) capital; principal:
  亏本儿 lose money;
  无本儿 inadequate capital;
  吃老本儿 live off one's past gains;
  还本付息 pay back the capital (principal) plus interest
 (册子) book:
  户口本儿 residence booklet;
  帐本儿 account book
 (版本) edition; version:
  原刻本 original edition;
  平装本 paperbound edition
 (演出的底本) copy:
  剧本 script;
  抄本 manuscript copy
 (封建时代指奏章) memorial to the throne:
  奏本 memorial to emperor
 (姓氏) a surname:
  本高 Ben Ga
 (用于书籍、簿册等) book; volume:
  一本参考书 a book of reference;
  两本儿账 two account books
 (用于一定长度的影片) volume; reel:
  一个有14本长的影片 a fourteen-reel film
 (用于戏曲) volume:
  头本《红楼梦》 the first “Red Chamber Dream”
 (原来的) original:
  本籍 one's ancestral district
 (自己方面的) one's own; native:
  本校 our school;
  本厂产品 the products of our factory
 (主要的; 中心的) principal; central:
  本部 central department
 (现今的) this; present; current:
  本年 this year;
  本计划 the present plan
 (原来) originally:
  本属于 originally belong to;
  本该如此 should have been so anyway
 (遵照; 按照) follow; base on; according to:
  本着这一原则 base on the principle;
  每句话都有所本。 Every statement is well-founded.




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