

字词 期刊
释义 期刊
 qī kān
 journal; periodical:
  外文期刊 foreign languages periodicals;
  现期刊订阅 current subscription;
  续订的期刊 renewed subscription;
  期刊中的书评 periodical book reviews;
  最近的期刊 current periodicals;
  季刊是每3个月出版一次的期刊。 The quarterly magazine is a periodical published every three months.
 期刊编号 Serial Number;
 期刊编目 cataloguing of periodical;
 期刊管理 management of magazine;
 期刊合订本 set;
 期刊流通 circulation;
 期刊目录 bibliography of periodical;
 期刊索引 periodicals index;
 期刊阅览室 periodical reading room




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