

 (预定的时日)designated (scheduled) time:
  到期 fall due;
  改期 change the date;
  如期 by the scheduled time; on schedule;
  限期 set a time limit (deadline);
  过期 be overdue;
  约期会晤 appoint a date for interview
 (一段时间) a period of time; phase; stage:
  第一期工程 the first phase of the project;
  服役期 term of military service;
  假期 vacation; holiday time;
  潜伏期 incubation period;
  危险期 critical phase;
  学期 school term
 (用于分期的事物) issue; number; term:
  最近一期的 《北京周报》 the current issue of Bei-jing Review;
  短训班办了三期。 The short-term training class has been run three times.
  今天我们的报纸出版第10000期。 Today our paper publishes its 10000th number.
 (约定时日) make an appointment:
  不期而遇 meet unexpectedly; meet by chance
 (等待; 盼望) expect:
  指日可期 can be expected soon;The day is not far off.
 另见 jī。




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