

字词 月球
释义 月球
 yuè qiú
 moon; selen-; seleno-; seleni-:
  月球绕地球运行。 The moon revolves around the earth.
 月球背面 far-side of the moon;
 月球本初子午线 first lunar meridian;
 月球表面 moonscape;
 月球车 moon-adapted buggy; lunar vehicle;
 月球成因 lunar origin;
 月球磁场 lunar magnetic field;
 月球大气 {天} lunar atmosphere;
 月球地名 lunar name;
 月球地球飞行轨道 moon-earth trajectory;
 月球地图集 lunar atlas;
 月球地震仪 lunar seismorgraph;
 月球地质图 geologic map of the moon;
 月球地质学 lunar geology;
 月球发电厂 lunar electric power plant;
 月球发光 lunar luminescence;
 月球飞船 lunar spacecraft; moonship;
 月球飞行 lunar flight;
 月球构造学 lunar tectonics;
 月球轨道 lunar orbit;
 月球轨道飞行器 lunar orbit spacecraft;
 月球后勤站 lunar logistic;
 月球环境 lunar environment;
 月球回波 lunar echo; moon echo;
 月球火箭 moon rocket;
 月球火箭发射站 moonport;
 月球火山作用 lunar volcanism;
 月球机动实验室 lunar mobile laboratory;
 月球交点 {天} lunar node;
 月球结构 lunar structure;
 月球距离法 lunar distances;
 月球勘测者计划 {航空} Surveyor program;
 月球矿物 lunar mineral ;
 月球雷达 lunar redar;
 月球亮度温度 lunar brightness temperature;
 月球流星体{天} lunar meteoroid;
 月球旅行舱 lunar excursion module; lunar module;
 月球内部 lunar interior;
 月球偏振 {天物} lunar polarization;
 月球取样器 moon scraper;
 月球山系 {天} lunar mountain;
 月球升交点 anabibazon;
 月球时代 moon age;
 月球收集实验室 lunar receiving laboratory;
 月球探测器 moon craft; lunar probe;
 月球探索 lunar exploration;
 月球天平动 {天} lunar libration;
 月球通信 lunar communication;
 月球图 lunar map;
 月球卫星 lunar satellite; lunik; selenoid;
 月球物理场 lunar physical field;
 月球物理测量 selenophysical measurement;
 月球物理现象 selenophysical phenomena;
 月球物质 lunar material;
 月球演化 lunar evolution;
 月球运动表 table of the moon;
 月球运动理论 lunar theory;
 月球运行仪 lunarium;
 月球暂现现象 transient lunar phenomena;
 月球章动 {天} lunar nutation;
 月球章动周期 period of moon's node;
 月球正午 {天} lunar noon;
 月球制图学 lunar cartography;
 月球重力场 lunar gravimetry field;
 月球重力模拟器 lunar gravity simulator;
 月球着陆 moon landing




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