

字词 最低
释义 最低
 zuì dī
 lowest; minimum
 最低安全高度 minimum safe altitude;
 最低安全水位 {机} lowest safe waterline;
 最低保险费 minimum premium;
 最低表面温度 minimum surface temperature;
 最低采幅 least working width;
 最低潮 neap;
 最低潮位 lowest water level;
 最低成本估算与调度法 least cost estimating and scheduling system;
 最低递价者 lower bidder;
 最低电压 minimum voltage;
 最低订货量 minimum quantity;
 最低端 least significant end;
 最低罚款额 minimum fine;
 最低飞行高度 {航空} minimum flight altitude;
 最低费用 minimum charge;
 最低负载 minimum load;
 最低纲领 minimum program;
 最低工资制度 minimum wage system;
 最低工作电流 minimum running current;
 最低工作激励 minimum working excitation;
 最低观测频率 lowest observed frequency (LOF);
 最低化合价 minivalence;
 最低黄金准备额 minimum ratio of gold reserve;
 最低价格 ground floor price;rock bottom price;upset price;reserve price; the lowest price;
 最低进口价 sluice-gate price;
 最低可见色差 minimum perceptible colour difference;
 最低可用高频 lowest useful high frequency (LUHF);
 最低可(使)用频率 lowest usable frequency (LUF); lowest useful frequency;
 最低可征税收入 minimum taxable income;
 最低能见度 minimum visibility;
 最低能量 minimum energy;
 最低拍卖限价 upset price;
 最低频率 low-limit frequency;
 最低平飞高度 minimum level flight altitude;
 最低气象飞行 minimum weather flight;
 最低气象条件 weather minima;
 最低燃料消耗率 best economy rating;
 最低容许可靠性 minimum acceptable reliability;
 最低生活标准 minimum standard of living; absolute standard of living;
 最低售价 upset price;
 最低水位 lowest water level;
 最低税率 minimum tariff;
 最低提单费 minimum bill of lading charge;
 最低未占分子轨道 lowest unoccupied molecular orbital;
 最低位差 least significant difference;
 最低位数 lowest order digit;
 最低温度 minimum temperature;
 最低温度计 minimum thermometer;
 最低限度 minimum; floor; the lowest limit; at least;
 最低限度培养基 minimal medium;
 最低限度生活水平 minimum standard of living;
 最低限价 floor; floor price;
 (积累的)最低线 minimum rate of accumulation;
 最低有效功率 lowest effective power (LEP);
 最低有效数字 least significant digit;
 最低有效位 least significant bit; least significant digit;
 最低有效位数 least significant digit;
 最低预付保险费 minimum deposit;
 最低援助拨款 minimum allocation of assistance;
 最低装箱标准 minimum rule;
 最低装载量 carlot;
 最低自留额 minimum retention;
 最低自由分子轨道 lowest free molecule orbital;
 最低租凭支出 minimum lease payment




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