

 (改变; 改换) change; replace:
  变更 make changes in;
  除旧更新 replace the old with the new;
  改弦更张 change over to new ways
  (书) (经历) experience:
  少不更事 young and inexperienced
 (旧时一夜分成五更, 每更大约两小时) one of the five two-hour periods into which the night was formerly divided; watch:
  半夜三更 in the dead of night;
  鸡鸣五更 day break;
  打更 beat the watches
 (姓氏) a surname:
  更赢 Geng Ying
 另见 gèng。
 (更加) more; still more; even more:
  更冷了 much colder;
  更难 even more difficult;
  问题更复杂了。 The problem became even more complicated.
  他写的书很难懂, 他的讲演就更难懂了。 It is difficult to understand his books, much more his lectures.
 (再,又) further; still further; furthermore:
  更进一步 go a step further;
  更有甚者 what is more
 另见 gēng。




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