

字词 春秋
释义 春秋
 chūn qiū
 (春秋两季; 指整个一年) spring and autumn; year:
  春秋多佳日。 There are many fine days in spring and autumn.
  她在这所大学教书已有20个春秋。 She has taught in this university for twenty years.
 (指人的年岁) age:
  春秋已高 be advanced in years;
  春秋鼎盛 in the prime of manhood;
  春秋正富 in the prime of youth
 (编年体的史书) annals; history; “The Spring and Autumn Annals”
 (中国历史上的一个时代) the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 B.C.)
 春秋笔法 a style of writing in which sublime words with deep meaning are used;
 春秋服 between season wear;
 春秋衫 a spring and autumn jacket




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