字词 | 无穷 |
释义 | 无穷 wú qióng (没有穷尽; 没有限度) infinite; endless; boundless; inexhaustible: 无穷的烦恼 endless troubles; 无穷的力量 inexhaustible power; 无穷的潜力 boundless potential; 无穷的忧虑 endless worries; 她有无穷的烦恼。 She had trouble without end. 群众的智慧是无穷的。 The wisdom of the masses is inexhaustible. 言有尽而意无穷。 There's an end to the words, but not to their message. {数} infinite: 无穷级数 infinite series 无穷半可计算集 infinite semicomputable set; 无穷变量 infinitely variable; 无穷插入法 infinepad method; 无穷乘积 infinite product; 无穷反衬法 infinite-pad method; 无穷范围逼近 infinite-range approximation; 无穷复合形 infinite complex; 无穷回归 infinite regress; 无穷积 infinite product; 无穷积分 infinite integral; 无穷集 infinite aggregate; infinite set; 无穷近 infinitely near; 无穷矩阵 infinite matrix; 无穷可分分布 infinitely divisible distribution; 无穷量 infinite quantity; 无穷年金 perpetual annuity; 无穷微积分 infinitely dimensional integral; 无穷油藏 infinite reservoir; 无穷语言 infinite language; 无穷滞后 infinite lag |
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