

 (表示同样) also; too; as well; either; likewise:
  不哭也不闹 (A child) neither cries nor makes any trouble.;
  你不去, 我也不去。 If you're not going, I'm not going either.
  他说法语,也会说西班牙语。 He speaks French, and Spanish as well.
  他也会游泳。 He can also swim.
  我也是教师。 I'm a teacher, too.
  中国是一个社会主义国家,也是一个发展 中国家。 China is a socialist country, and a developing country as well.
 (叠用, 强调两事并列) as well as:
  操场上也有打球的,也有跑步的。 Some of the people on the sports ground are playing ball games, and some are running.
  她也会打篮球,也会打网球。 She can play tennis as well as basketball.
 (叠用, 表示无论这样或那样;不以某种情形为条件):
  你去也得去, 不去也得去。 You've got to go , whether you want to or not.
  他左想也不是, 右想也不是。 He just couldn't make up his mind either way.
  天好我们也干, 天不好我们也干。 We never stop working, rain or shine.
 (表示转折或让步, 常跟上文的“虽然 、即使”等呼应):
  即使失败10次,我也不灰心。 I'll never lose heart even if I should fail ten times.
  你不说我也知道。 You don't have to tell me. I know already.
  也只好这样了。 We'll have to leave it at that.
  这袋土豆也就一百斤。 This sack of potatoes weighs a hundred jin at most.
 (表示强调, 常跟 “ 再、 一点、连” 等字连用):
  等了半天也没见他来。 We had been waiting for him for a long time, yet he didn't turn up.
  他病得一点也不想吃。 He is so ill that he doesn't feel like eating anything.
  我永远也不会忘记听她唱那支歌时的情景。 I shall never forget hearing her singing that song.
  现在连偏僻的山区也用上了拖拉机。 Nowadays tractors are used even in remote mountainous regions.
  再冷的天我也不怕。 I can stand colder weather than this.
 (表示判断、 解释等语气):
  陈胜者, 阳城人也。 Chen Sheng was a native of Yangcheng.
  非不能也, 是不为也。 It is not a question of ability but one of readiness.
  何也? How is that?; Why so?
  是可忍也, 孰不可忍也? If this can be tolerated, what cannot?
 (用于句中, 表示停顿):
  地之相去也, 千有余里。 The place is over a thousand li away.
  不可不慎也。 You must be very careful.
  何其毒也! How pernicious!
 (姓氏) a surname:
  也伯先 Ye Boxian




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